Start-ups X NGOs – Unleashing Tech X Social Potentials!
初創公司X NGOs – 綻放科創潛能!
Tech x Social – Idea Generation Zone is part of NGO Day 2015
機會來了!Don’t Miss the Chance!
Are you a creative startup that is passionate about generating new business ideas involving technology innovations for an NGO in Hong Kong?
立即參加《科技 x 社會 – 意念創作區》吧!
《科技 x 社會 – 意念創作區》是Microsoft Hong Kong和香港社會服務聯會(HKCSS)主辦,創格工房(Incu-Lab)合辦。
《科技 x 社會 – 意念創作區》是NGO Day 2015的其中一項環節。
Let your creativity spark and co-create innovative ideas with NGOs in Hong Kong!
Idea Generation is organized by Microsoft Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and co-organized by Incu-Lab.
Idea Generation Zone is part of NGO Day 2015.
整合就是重點! The Urge to Integrate and Collaborate!
- 現今社會問題愈趨複雜,科技界和社福界不能只在各自範疇單獨提供解決方案。
- 作為公民社會的中堅份子之一,NGOs可不斷尋找機遇,與科技界緊密合作,利用科技創新力量提升服務質素。
- 科技X社會的跨界合作和共創,既可更有效解決社會問題,同時又可激發科技創新。
- Both the tech sector and the social sector cannot work alone to solve today’s complicated social problems.
- As one of the key players in the civil society, NGOs should constantly integrate and closely collaborate with the technology sector in order to unleash the innovative power of the tech sector for the enhancement of NGO services.
- A ‘tech x social’ crossover and co-creation are promising in both solving social problems more effectively as well as sparkling technological innovations.
目標 Aim
- 一方面,NGOs可更有效地善用社交媒體、網上宣傳及資訊及通訊科技工具推動社群參與。
- 另一方面,這是一個新創團隊接觸社會服務和市場,並發揮創意和專長的難得舞台。
** 你有機會與某間香港NGO會面、交流和分析他們與持分者互動的資訊和狀態,然後創作和提出創新意念。最後你會NGO Day 2015《科技x社會 意念創作區》向一眾出席者和評判展示和發表你的好橋好想頭!
The Idea Generation Zone aims at fostering the integration and collaboration between the social and technology sectors!
- On one hand, NGOs may facilitate community participation by more effective usage of social media, online promotion and IT tools.
- On the other hand, start-ups can gain ground experience and insights while they utilize their expertise in technological innovation to co-create new ideas with the NGOs. A win-win situation is thus achieved for both the NGOs and the start-ups!
** You may have opportunity to meet up with an NGO and analyse their status of stakeholder engagement, then generate innovative idea for their product or service development. You will finally propose and pitch your ideas in front of the audience in the “Tech X Social Idea Generation Zone” of NGO Day 2015!!
活動詳情 Event Details
日期 Date:2 Jun, 2015 (Tue)
時間 Time: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
地點 Venue: 香港會議展覽中心421室 Room 421 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese / 英語 English
重要日子 Important Dates (暫定 Tentative)
- 截止報名日期 Deadline:25 May (11:59 pm)
- 初選 Vetting:26 – 27 May
- NGOs X Start-ups 會面 Meet-up:28 May
獎項 Awards
- 意念創作大獎 Generation Idea Grand Awards
- 最佳創意獎 Most Creative Award
- 最受歡迎大獎Most Popular by Audience Award
Application 報名
To apply, please download the entry form 請即下載報名表格:
查詢 Enquiry : 3171-7624 / info@ec2-52-77-217-49.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
主辦機構 Organizers

合辦機構 Co-organizer

科技 X 社會 ﹣ 意念創作區@ NGO Day 2015 / Tech X Social – Idea Generation Zone @ NGO Day 2015
Start-ups X NGOs – Unleashing Tech X Social Potentials!
初創公司X NGOs – 綻放科創潛能!
Tech x Social – Idea Generation Zone is part of NGO Day 2015
機會來了!Don’t Miss the Chance!
Are you a creative startup that is passionate about generating new business ideas involving technology innovations for an NGO in Hong Kong?
立即參加《科技 x 社會 – 意念創作區》吧!
《科技 x 社會 – 意念創作區》是Microsoft Hong Kong和香港社會服務聯會(HKCSS)主辦,創格工房(Incu-Lab)合辦。
《科技 x 社會 – 意念創作區》是NGO Day 2015的其中一項環節。
Let your creativity spark and co-create innovative ideas with NGOs in Hong Kong!
Idea Generation is organized by Microsoft Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and co-organized by Incu-Lab.
Idea Generation Zone is part of NGO Day 2015.
整合就是重點! The Urge to Integrate and Collaborate!
目標 Aim
** 你有機會與某間香港NGO會面、交流和分析他們與持分者互動的資訊和狀態,然後創作和提出創新意念。最後你會NGO Day 2015《科技x社會 意念創作區》向一眾出席者和評判展示和發表你的好橋好想頭!
The Idea Generation Zone aims at fostering the integration and collaboration between the social and technology sectors!
** You may have opportunity to meet up with an NGO and analyse their status of stakeholder engagement, then generate innovative idea for their product or service development. You will finally propose and pitch your ideas in front of the audience in the “Tech X Social Idea Generation Zone” of NGO Day 2015!!
活動詳情 Event Details
日期 Date:2 Jun, 2015 (Tue)
時間 Time: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
地點 Venue: 香港會議展覽中心421室 Room 421 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese / 英語 English
重要日子 Important Dates (暫定 Tentative)
獎項 Awards
Application 報名
To apply, please download the entry form 請即下載報名表格:
查詢 Enquiry : 3171-7624 / info@ec2-52-77-217-49.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
主辦機構 Organizers
合辦機構 Co-organizer