Traditional insurance industry has lived with different pain points and not been able to catch-up with customers’ expectations in some way, how do YAS “MicroInsurance” address them with new products and new business thinkings?
MOVE Network是全港首個NFT孵化平台,提供數碼藝術品拍賣、播放影音短片及數碼貨幣錢包等功能。在2021年獲得150萬美元種子輪融資,用作平台開發及開拓全球市場。
這麼多年來,關於餐廳的資訊內容、訂檯訂服務、用家意見參考與分享、外賣預訂等等,都是pain points痛點多多和地雷處處,而Openrice運作了廿多年,每一階段都夠解決了一些餐廳(服務提供者)和顧客(終極用戶)的需要問題,才是成為霸主的真正原因
Incu-Lab is an organization working on incubation of innovative and creative startups and change-making entrepreneurs, through providing co-working space, courses, training, education channels and multi-layer knowledge.