今年,創格工房 (Incu-Lab) 繼續支持HKIRC舉辦「2016 Digital Marketplace Seminar」~~
今年HKIRC舉辦嘅DMP研討會,邀請左Microsoft、港鐵、八達通,同埋一啲新興行業嘅代表去分享佢地對智慧城市嘅見解,現場仲會送豐富紀念品,大家快啲報名啦! http://bit.ly/29CtgpY
截止日期: 28 July, 2016 (星期四)
Riding on the successes of Digital Marketplace Seminar (DMP) in previous years, HKIRC would like to organise the eighth DMP themed “Smart City – Shaping Business Future”. Through the seminar, participants and guests will discuss the latest smart technology and its trend, as well as unveiling some of the opportunities and challenges that Hong Kong’s business faces today.
The Seminar will be a perfect platform for businesses, enterprises, industry leaders, academics, the government and .hk customers to get together to explore innovative ideas and share their tips and success stories of Smart City. The event will be held tentatively on 18 August 2016 at Cyberport.
Deadline: 28 July, 2016 (Thursday)
HKIRC 2016 Digital Marketplace Seminar
今年,創格工房 (Incu-Lab) 繼續支持HKIRC舉辦「2016 Digital Marketplace Seminar」~~
今年HKIRC舉辦嘅DMP研討會,邀請左Microsoft、港鐵、八達通,同埋一啲新興行業嘅代表去分享佢地對智慧城市嘅見解,現場仲會送豐富紀念品,大家快啲報名啦! http://bit.ly/29CtgpY
截止日期: 28 July, 2016 (星期四)
Riding on the successes of Digital Marketplace Seminar (DMP) in previous years, HKIRC would like to organise the eighth DMP themed “Smart City – Shaping Business Future”. Through the seminar, participants and guests will discuss the latest smart technology and its trend, as well as unveiling some of the opportunities and challenges that Hong Kong’s business faces today.
The Seminar will be a perfect platform for businesses, enterprises, industry leaders, academics, the government and .hk customers to get together to explore innovative ideas and share their tips and success stories of Smart City. The event will be held tentatively on 18 August 2016 at Cyberport.
Deadline: 28 July, 2016 (Thursday)