創格工房將於數碼港的「2015全球創業週中國站 – 香港」活動中,舉辦一個有關數碼社群發展的交流會,是為數碼社群俱樂部2015秋季講座。
Incu-Lab is hosting a dialogue event about digital community development as a part of 2015 Global Entrepreneurship Week China – Hong Kong in Cyberport. This dialogue is a Digital Community Club 2015 Autumn Seminar; it is also being branded with the name of the Hong Kong Chapter of Social Media Club which is being arranged by members of Incu-Lab.
This dialogue gathering is about insight sharing and dialogue among digital community managers of different sorts on how to cultivate community members and enlist their supports for the organizations through digital media, thus look at the trends and models that are being developed, and imagine how to build up closer network and solidarity effectively among community participants for various causes. All digital managers and interested alike are welcome!
Incu-Lab helps organises SMC HK Chapter, one of the biggest social media platform in the world, which hosts DCC. In future, Incu-Lab will launch more events about digital and social media community management in order to enable and facilitate further development of digital community, thus empower coordinators, managers, citizens and members of various communities.
日期 Date: 20 Nov, 2015 (Friday)
時間 Time: 7pm – 9pm
地點 Venue: Incu-Labspace, Unit 2102, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese
分享嘉賓 Guests:
- Anthony Tso: Executive Producer, hkpeanut.com 《香港花生》監製
- Eugene Chan: Social Media Specialist in a Public Transport Enterprise 公用交通事業社交媒體專家
- Scarlett Yu: Digital Community Management Expert, InMedia 《獨立媒體》數碼媒體社群管理專家
- Yuuji Izumo: MTR Service Update Group Coordinator 地鐵故障消息組攪手
- Kelvin Lui: Western District Community Group Coordinator 西環社區組攪手
- Tonio Shum: Business Development Director, HKGoodJobs 《香港好工網》業務發展總監
- Mabel Law: General Manager, MadCradle Online 廣域度多媒體總經理
- (NEW!) Sunny Wong: Technology Manager, MVP Sailor MVP Sailor 技術經理
Please register on www.ddc-2.eventbrite.hk or below:
查詢 Enquiry: 3114-0784 / info@ec2-52-77-217-49.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com

數碼社群俱樂部 2.0:如何聚集與培養社群會員及支持者? Community Member and Supporter Cultivation
創格工房將於數碼港的「2015全球創業週中國站 – 香港」活動中,舉辦一個有關數碼社群發展的交流會,是為數碼社群俱樂部2015秋季講座。
Incu-Lab is hosting a dialogue event about digital community development as a part of 2015 Global Entrepreneurship Week China – Hong Kong in Cyberport. This dialogue is a Digital Community Club 2015 Autumn Seminar; it is also being branded with the name of the Hong Kong Chapter of Social Media Club which is being arranged by members of Incu-Lab.
This dialogue gathering is about insight sharing and dialogue among digital community managers of different sorts on how to cultivate community members and enlist their supports for the organizations through digital media, thus look at the trends and models that are being developed, and imagine how to build up closer network and solidarity effectively among community participants for various causes. All digital managers and interested alike are welcome!
Incu-Lab helps organises SMC HK Chapter, one of the biggest social media platform in the world, which hosts DCC. In future, Incu-Lab will launch more events about digital and social media community management in order to enable and facilitate further development of digital community, thus empower coordinators, managers, citizens and members of various communities.
日期 Date: 20 Nov, 2015 (Friday)
時間 Time: 7pm – 9pm
地點 Venue: Incu-Labspace, Unit 2102, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese
分享嘉賓 Guests:
報名從速 Register Here!
Please register on www.ddc-2.eventbrite.hk or below:
查詢 Enquiry: 3114-0784 / info@ec2-52-77-217-49.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com