On Nov 12 (Sat), Incu-Lab supported ‘Leap To Success Innovation and Breakthrough Forum 2016’, a forum focuses on how to leapfrog and on how to govern the directly related processes organised by Co-operatives of Innovative Intellectuals (創新專才學會) at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
For more event details, please refer to event leaflet from Co-operative of Innovative Intellectuals website at http://hkcii.com/drupal-7.41/sites/default/files/Events/IBF%202016%20eDM%20-%202%20October%202016%20version%20v3%204.pdf
Innovation Forum by Co-operatives of Innovative Intellectuals 創新專才學會
On Nov 12 (Sat), Incu-Lab supported ‘Leap To Success Innovation and Breakthrough Forum 2016’, a forum focuses on how to leapfrog and on how to govern the directly related processes organised by Co-operatives of Innovative Intellectuals (創新專才學會) at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
For more event details, please refer to event leaflet from Co-operative of Innovative Intellectuals website at http://hkcii.com/drupal-7.41/sites/default/files/Events/IBF%202016%20eDM%20-%202%20October%202016%20version%20v3%204.pdf