Asia is currently witnessing a blossom of startups and social innovators, especially in the area of IoT (Internet of Things). What are the hidden opportunities that potential entrepreneurs could tap on? In this seminar, we have invited Mr Wong Ming-yam (Chairman of Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) and former Senior VP of Philips Electronics), John Lo and James Fok (AAMA PRD Cradle Program Mentor), to explore the development of entrepreneurship and IoT in Asia, and hence unveil the future of social innovation in Asia!
As incubators, Asia America MultiTechnology Association (AAMA), Incu-Lab and TusPark have been nurturing startups in Asia and Hong Kong and promoting the development of technology and social innovations. AAMA is Silicon Valley’s largest and most established non-profit organization dedicated to the Asia American high-tech community, launching incubation programme such as the AAMA-PRD Cradle Program*.
亞洲初創企業和社會創新家正蓬勃發展,尤其是物聯網。有潛力的企業家可以發掘什麼隱藏的機會呢?在是次研討會中,我們邀請了香港應用科技研究院(應科院)主席和飛利浦電子公司前高級副總裁王明鑫先生以及亞傑協會導師John Lo和James Fok,共同探討創業和物聯網在亞洲的發展,從而揭示亞洲社會創新的未來!
作為孵化器,亞傑協會(AAMA)和創格工房(Incu-Lab)启迪空間(TusPark)一直致力培育亞洲和香港的初創企業,推動各地科技及社會創新發展。亞傑協會是美國矽谷的知名科技協會,旨在加強企業間聯繫、促進亞太地區商業發展,現時分部遍及中國、台灣、 香港等地區,推出計劃例如亞傑協會(珠三角) ─搖籃計劃*。
Date: 14 Jan 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 7pm – 8:30pm
Venue: TGN TST Workhub (Tsim Sha Tsui), 4/F Yes & Right House, 1 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Next to K11)
Language: English / Chinese
Enquiry: 3114-0784 / info@ec2-52-77-217-49.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
*AAMA PRD Cradle Program
To extent its recent success from China, AAMA is launching the AAMA-PRD Cradle Program in pursuance of a more vibrant and collaborative startup ecosystem in Hong Kong. Through one-on-one mentorship activities and multinational industry network, the Program aims at helping participating startups explore collaboration opportunities with dreamers alike from other cities, and thus ‘survive through the Valley of Death’. All startups in different sectors in Hong Kong are welcome.
*亞傑協會(珠三角) ﹣ 搖籃計劃
Entrepreneurship and Opportunity of IoT in Asia 在亞洲創業與物聯網的發展機遇
Asia is currently witnessing a blossom of startups and social innovators, especially in the area of IoT (Internet of Things). What are the hidden opportunities that potential entrepreneurs could tap on? In this seminar, we have invited Mr Wong Ming-yam (Chairman of Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) and former Senior VP of Philips Electronics), John Lo and James Fok (AAMA PRD Cradle Program Mentor), to explore the development of entrepreneurship and IoT in Asia, and hence unveil the future of social innovation in Asia!
As incubators, Asia America MultiTechnology Association (AAMA), Incu-Lab and TusPark have been nurturing startups in Asia and Hong Kong and promoting the development of technology and social innovations. AAMA is Silicon Valley’s largest and most established non-profit organization dedicated to the Asia American high-tech community, launching incubation programme such as the AAMA-PRD Cradle Program*.
亞洲初創企業和社會創新家正蓬勃發展,尤其是物聯網。有潛力的企業家可以發掘什麼隱藏的機會呢?在是次研討會中,我們邀請了香港應用科技研究院(應科院)主席和飛利浦電子公司前高級副總裁王明鑫先生以及亞傑協會導師John Lo和James Fok,共同探討創業和物聯網在亞洲的發展,從而揭示亞洲社會創新的未來!
作為孵化器,亞傑協會(AAMA)和創格工房(Incu-Lab)启迪空間(TusPark)一直致力培育亞洲和香港的初創企業,推動各地科技及社會創新發展。亞傑協會是美國矽谷的知名科技協會,旨在加強企業間聯繫、促進亞太地區商業發展,現時分部遍及中國、台灣、 香港等地區,推出計劃例如亞傑協會(珠三角) ─搖籃計劃*。
Date: 14 Jan 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 7pm – 8:30pm
Venue: TGN TST Workhub (Tsim Sha Tsui), 4/F Yes & Right House, 1 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Next to K11)
Language: English / Chinese
Enquiry: 3114-0784 / info@ec2-52-77-217-49.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
*AAMA PRD Cradle Program
To extent its recent success from China, AAMA is launching the AAMA-PRD Cradle Program in pursuance of a more vibrant and collaborative startup ecosystem in Hong Kong. Through one-on-one mentorship activities and multinational industry network, the Program aims at helping participating startups explore collaboration opportunities with dreamers alike from other cities, and thus ‘survive through the Valley of Death’. All startups in different sectors in Hong Kong are welcome.
*亞傑協會(珠三角) ﹣ 搖籃計劃