● How to enhance entrepreneurship and innovation in Asia? / 如何提升亞洲的創業和創新精神?
● How can AAMA Cradle Program help the startups? / 亞傑協會「搖籃計劃」 如何幫助初創企業?
● Let’s dialogue and find out more about the condition and development of Innovative Entrepreneurship in HK, Taiwan and Asia! / 讓我們一起探討,更深入了解香港、台灣及亞洲地區初創企業的機遇和挑戰!
Guest 嘉賓:

Charles Yen 顏漏有
Co-Founder, AAMA Taipei, Co-Director, Alibaba Taiwan Entrepreneurs Fund

Jamie Chiu (Co-Founder, LULIO / LULIO 共同創辦人)

Sunny Wong (Technology Manager, MVP Sailor / MVP Sailor 技術經理)
Co-Founder of AAMA Taipei and Co-Director of Alibaba Taiwan Entrepreneurs Fund, Mr Charles Yen, will come to Hong Kong and do a sharing with 2 Hong Kong startup teams about the startup ecosystems in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Let’s dialogue and find out more about the condition and development of Innovative Entrepreneurship in HK, Taiwan and Asia!
As incubators, AAMA and Incu-Lab have been nurturing startups in Asia and Hong Kong and promoting the development of technology and social innovations. Asia America MultiTechnology Association (AAMA) is Silicon Valley’s largest and most established non-profit organization dedicated to the Asia American high-tech community, launching incubation programme such as the AAMA-PRD Cradle Program*.
亞傑協會- 台北搖籃計畫共同創辦人兼阿里 巴巴「台灣創業者基金」的基金 共同董事顏漏有先生(Charles Yen)將會來港,與本港 新創團隊談談香港和台灣的初創企業生態與未來發展,以及如何提升亞洲的創業精神和創新。讓我們一起探討,更深入了解香港、台灣及亞洲地區初創企業的機遇和挑戰!。
作為孵化器,亞傑協會(AAMA)和創格工房(Incu-Lab)一直致力培育亞洲和香港的初創企業,推動 各地科技 及社 會創新發展。亞傑協會是美國矽谷的知名科技協會,旨在加強企業間聯繫、促進亞太地區商業發展,現時分部遍及中國、台灣、香港等地區,推出計劃例如亞傑協會(珠三角) ─ 搖籃計劃*。
Date: 3 Dec, 2015 (Thur) / 日期:2015年12月3日(四)
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm / 時間:晚上6時30分 至 8時30分
Venue: Incu-Labspace, Unit 2102, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, HK / 地點:香港天后電氣道148號2102室 創格空間
Language: Mandarin / English / 語言:國語 / 英語
# Participants at the event day, please bring along at least fifty cards for exchange purpose / 參加者請於活動當天帶備至少50張名片作交流之用
Register Now! 報名從速
*AAMA PRD Cradle Program
To extent its recent success from China, AAMA (Asia America MultiTechnology Association) is launching the AAMA-PRD Cradle Program in pursuance of a more vibrant and collaborative startup ecosystem in Hong Kong. Through one-on-one mentorship activities and multinational industry network, the Program aims at helping participating startups explore collaboration opportunities with dreamers alike from other cities, and thus‘ survive through the Valley of Death’. All startups in different sectors in Hong Kong are welcome.
*亞傑協會(珠三角) ﹣ 搖籃計劃
「搖籃計劃」最近在中國取得空前成功,亞傑協會希望在香港推行相 關活動,以推動本地初創團 隊合作和生態發 展。透過一對一的行業輔導和多國行業網絡,搖籃計劃協助參與的初創團隊,讓他們有機會與來自其他城市的志同道合者合作, 進而克服「死亡之谷」。歡迎所有香港的初創團隊報名參加。

Sharing and Roundtable: How to Enhance Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Asia / 分享及圓桌研討會:如何提升亞洲的創業和創新精神
● How to enhance entrepreneurship and innovation in Asia? / 如何提升亞洲的創業和創新精神?
● How can AAMA Cradle Program help the startups? / 亞傑協會「搖籃計劃」 如何幫助初創企業?
● Let’s dialogue and find out more about the condition and development of Innovative Entrepreneurship in HK, Taiwan and Asia! / 讓我們一起探討,更深入了解香港、台灣及亞洲地區初創企業的機遇和挑戰!
Guest 嘉賓:
Charles Yen 顏漏有
Co-Founder, AAMA Taipei, Co-Director, Alibaba Taiwan Entrepreneurs Fund
Jamie Chiu (Co-Founder, LULIO / LULIO 共同創辦人)
Sunny Wong (Technology Manager, MVP Sailor / MVP Sailor 技術經理)
Co-Founder of AAMA Taipei and Co-Director of Alibaba Taiwan Entrepreneurs Fund, Mr Charles Yen, will come to Hong Kong and do a sharing with 2 Hong Kong startup teams about the startup ecosystems in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Let’s dialogue and find out more about the condition and development of Innovative Entrepreneurship in HK, Taiwan and Asia!
As incubators, AAMA and Incu-Lab have been nurturing startups in Asia and Hong Kong and promoting the development of technology and social innovations. Asia America MultiTechnology Association (AAMA) is Silicon Valley’s largest and most established non-profit organization dedicated to the Asia American high-tech community, launching incubation programme such as the AAMA-PRD Cradle Program*.
亞傑協會- 台北搖籃計畫共同創辦人兼阿里 巴巴「台灣創業者基金」的基金 共同董事顏漏有先生(Charles Yen)將會來港,與本港 新創團隊談談香港和台灣的初創企業生態與未來發展,以及如何提升亞洲的創業精神和創新。讓我們一起探討,更深入了解香港、台灣及亞洲地區初創企業的機遇和挑戰!。
作為孵化器,亞傑協會(AAMA)和創格工房(Incu-Lab)一直致力培育亞洲和香港的初創企業,推動 各地科技 及社 會創新發展。亞傑協會是美國矽谷的知名科技協會,旨在加強企業間聯繫、促進亞太地區商業發展,現時分部遍及中國、台灣、香港等地區,推出計劃例如亞傑協會(珠三角) ─ 搖籃計劃*。
Date: 3 Dec, 2015 (Thur) / 日期:2015年12月3日(四)
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm / 時間:晚上6時30分 至 8時30分
Venue: Incu-Labspace, Unit 2102, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, HK / 地點:香港天后電氣道148號2102室 創格空間
Language: Mandarin / English / 語言:國語 / 英語
# Participants at the event day, please bring along at least fifty cards for exchange purpose / 參加者請於活動當天帶備至少50張名片作交流之用
Register Now! 報名從速
查詢:3114-0784 / info@ec2-52-77-217-49.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
*AAMA PRD Cradle Program
To extent its recent success from China, AAMA (Asia America MultiTechnology Association) is launching the AAMA-PRD Cradle Program in pursuance of a more vibrant and collaborative startup ecosystem in Hong Kong. Through one-on-one mentorship activities and multinational industry network, the Program aims at helping participating startups explore collaboration opportunities with dreamers alike from other cities, and thus‘ survive through the Valley of Death’. All startups in different sectors in Hong Kong are welcome.
*亞傑協會(珠三角) ﹣ 搖籃計劃
「搖籃計劃」最近在中國取得空前成功,亞傑協會希望在香港推行相 關活動,以推動本地初創團 隊合作和生態發 展。透過一對一的行業輔導和多國行業網絡,搖籃計劃協助參與的初創團隊,讓他們有機會與來自其他城市的志同道合者合作, 進而克服「死亡之谷」。歡迎所有香港的初創團隊報名參加。