「數碼社區聚腳點」5.0:社群攪手和初創如何與外界互動 DCC5.0: How Startups and Project Leaders Engage

Apr 18, 2017
Jeffrey Chung

20170418 DCC5.0 v6 banner

DCC 5.0 is part of HKSAR Govt. OGCIO’s IT Fest 2017



DCC 5.0 is a dialogue event among digital community managers of different sorts about digital community development (i.e. how to make use of digital media to engage with their respective communities and the public). The event enables and facilitates further development of digital community, thus empowers managers, citizens and members of various communities.

It is the third time since DCC is organized as part of IT Fest in the past years. For the past 2 years, DCC seminars attracted around 100 audiences every time.This year, with more renowned speakers and improved promotion channels, we expect to double the audience size to 200 and thus have booked a venue that could accomodate such dramatic increase.

分享嘉賓  Guest

Eugene Chan (CheilPengTai  CheilPengTai 數碼營銷主管 Group Head of Digital Marketing, CheilPengTai / Incu-Lab核心成員 Core Member, Incu-Lab)

Speaker Eugene Chan

Tim Chan (HelloReporter 及 GrowthMarketer.Academy 創辦人 Founder, HelloReporter & GrowthMarketer.Academy)

Speaker Tim Chan-01

Alvin Hung (GoAnimate 行政總裁 及 創辦人 CEO & Founder, GoAnimate)

Speaker Alvin Hung-01

Richard Ko (Umadx 行政總裁 CEO, Umadx)

Speaker Richad Ko

Rex Lai ( iMasteRoom 創辦人 Founder, iMasteRoom)

Speaker Rex Lai

Kelven Lit (明匯經貿董事 Director, CENSPOT / 香港總商會 亞洲及非洲委員會委員 Committee Member, AAC, The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce )

Speaker Kevin Lit-01

Michael Sze (iCare 總監 Managing Director, iCare)

Speaker Michael Sze-01

Matthew Tam (Social Career共同創辦人 Co-Founder, Social Career)



活動詳情如下 Event details

日期:2017年4月18日(星期二)/ Date: 18 April, 2017 (Tuesday)

時間:下午7時 至 9時30分 / Time: 7pm – 9:30pm

地點:香港銅鑼灣謝斐道535號20樓wework / Venue: WeWork Tower 535, 20/F, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay

語言:廣東話 /英語 / Language: Cantonese / English