TiE Investor Forum III

Nov 06, 2015
Jeffrey Chung
Incu-Lab and Incu-Labspace were supporting organisations for the TiE Investor Forum III held at Infiniti Lab on Nov 6 (1:30 pm – 8:00 pm).

Panels of Industry experts and some of Hong Kong’s finest thought leaders shared their drivers seat perspective on how to invest and exit in these rapidly changing times. Specifically, they addressed:

  • How do startups select their investor?
  • How do investors select the venture that is right for them?
  • How and when do Investors get a return on their investment?

Additionally, pitches and a networking cocktail where you can mingle with VIP guests, investment professionals and seasoned entrepreneurs mead this an informative and fun day to remember.

For more info, please refer to TiE website.


TiE Invest Forum – TiE Logo


Incu-Lab as Supporting Organization


Incu-Labspace as Supporting Organization