Incu-Lab is honoured to become Supporting Organisation again for Hong Kong ICT Awards 2017 – Best Smart Hong Kong Award organised by GS1.
The Best Smart Hong Kong Award aims to encourage the development and adoption of Internet of Things technologies, Open Data / Big Data techniques and Digital Inclusion applications promoting a smart city development with a more convenient environment for Smarter Business and Smarter Living.
For more information, please visit GS1 webpage in English / Chinese.
Hong Kong ICT Awards 2017 – Best Smart Hong Kong Award
Incu-Lab is honoured to become Supporting Organisation again for Hong Kong ICT Awards 2017 – Best Smart Hong Kong Award organised by GS1.
The Best Smart Hong Kong Award aims to encourage the development and adoption of Internet of Things technologies, Open Data / Big Data techniques and Digital Inclusion applications promoting a smart city development with a more convenient environment for Smarter Business and Smarter Living.
For more information, please visit GS1 webpage in English / Chinese.