【Tech-is-Cool Social Mixer】InsurTech is Hot! Integrate Blockchain, A.I. & 5G to Create New FinTech Opportunities

Apr 21, 2022

【Tech-is-Cool Social Mixer】InsurTech is Hot!

Integrate Blockchain, A.I. & 5G to Create New FinTech Opportunities

保險業整合科技! – 結合區塊鏈、人工智能及5G技術創造新的金融科技機遇

Traditional insurance industry has lived with different pain points and not been able to catch-up with customers’ expectations in some way, how do YAS “MicroInsurance” address them with new products and new business thinkings?

傳統保險有很多痛點,未必滿足到客戶某些需要 ,YAS「微保險」有甚麼產品和商業模式新思維去提供服務?

How to effectively alter customer behaviors? How to nurture customer to purchase insurance policy online instead of offline?


How did YAS integrate Blockchain, A.I. & 5G with success? What difficulties did your team encounter?


How to form the right team to drive the innovation works? What educational campaign would drive up the market acceptance to your new product concepts?



若你對以上既話題感興趣,歡迎參加四月份既Tech-is-Cool Social Mixer!我們有幸邀請到YAS MicroInsurance 的 Head of Tech Delivery Samuel黎同大家Cool Chat一番。

YAS微保險是一間保險科技公司,於2021年獲Deloitte評選為「Hong Kong Rising Star」企業。 YAS成功將尖端技術轉化為營運優勢,並推出行山保、單車保等創新微保險,決心打破各種傳統保險的巨頭商業模式。




Guest 嘉賓:

Samuel Lai (Head of Tech Delivery, YAS MicroInsurance)

Samuel 擁有豐富的企業產品管理經驗,在YAS 負責產品開發及項目管理。過去曾服務多間國際金融機構,擔任技術及業務管理要職。

Tonio Shum (CEO, CoolJobz)

Tonio 從事營銷戰略工作 20 多年。 在過去的十年裡,他主要專注於開發人力資源管理市場。 多年來,他為20,000家公司提供人力資源管理和招聘服務,擁有豐富的經驗。

Alfred Yuen (CTO, CoolJobz)

Alfred創業有十多年,主力企業資源系統 ERP 及企業流程系統。近年專注開發網上資料庫平台 web database 及商業雲端軟件服務 Corporate Cloud SaaS。曾經協助跨國企業、非政府組織、大學、上市公司、公用機構及中小企,設計的方案及系統涉及的活躍用戶以百萬計。


About 活動詳情

Date 日期:21 Apr 2022 / 2022年4月21日(星期四)

Time 時間:7:00 P.M.

Venue 地點:Online / 線上

Language 語言:Cantonese / 廣東話

Fee 費用:全免

Register NOW



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Cooljobz thinks Tech is Cool, our tech experience in life is shaped by tech entrepreneurs and experts behind the scenes. In our social mixer, our guest speaker will share their valuable tech business experience and tell you what game-changing tech to look out for. After the seminar session, feel yourself home, network with our guest, panelists and participants who share the same interests in technology.



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