Incu-Lab is jointly organizing the Mentoring Session with HKTDC as well as supporting the Startup Pitching Session (organized by HKBAN) in admitting…
多謝東網電視關注及報道創格工房 (Incu-Lab) 有份營辦的「天經地義生活館」(WECONS)! 作為「八神」之一,創格工房會繼續努力與其餘「諸神」合作,推廣社企文化及共享經濟! 如閱讀相關報道,請點擊此東網電視網址。
Are you an Entrepreneur or a FinTech startup looking for ideas, business or technology breakthrough while creating social change? Or you might…
All local and global change-makers, ICE Days is BACK! 5 Days! 5 Topics! 21 Speakers! Join us now to understand more about…
Incu-Lab is honoured to become Supporting Organisation again for Hong Kong ICT Awards 2017 – The Best ICT Startup Awards, organised by…
DCC 6.0:Emigration from Facebook and the Rise of Writer-Rewarded Contents 「數碼社區聚腳點」6.0:從臉書外移潮到寫手有賞內容之崛起 Kin Ko 高重建 Co-founder, LikeCoin and Lakoo LikeCoin創辦人、拉闊遊戲 創辦人 Kin…
Are you an investor / angel looking for promising projects and industry leaders? Seize your opportunities to learn about projects’ prospects and investment…
Congratulations to Heycoins, a FinTech startup supported by Incu-Lab, which claimed Champion at DBS Business Class F&B Disrupt Transformation Pitch this Tuesday (6…
Incu-Lab is Supporting Organisation for Best .hk Website Awards 2016, organised by HKIRC. The Award is officially calling for entry NOW! For…
With the generous encouragement and solid support offered by our Sponsors and Partners, Incu-Lab successfully held ICE PITCH @FinTech Startups on Nov 4-7,…