香港理工大學 – 創新拜技及電子商貿週
Incu-Lab is jointly organizing the Mentoring Session with HKTDC as well as arranging Mentors (for Mentoring Session) and Investors / Accessors (for…
Incu-Lab is jointly organizing the Mentoring Session with HKTDC as well as supporting the Startup Pitching Session (organized by HKBAN) in admitting…
Incu-Lab is jointly organizing the Mentoring Session with HKTDC as well as supporting the Startup Pitching Session (organized by HKBAN) in admitting…
今屆Cyberport Career Fair 嘅荀工超過500份,參展科技公司同Start-ups多過70間。招聘職位涵蓋UI/UX設計、網頁/軟件開發、手機及遊戲應用程式開發、程式編寫、數據分析,又有業務拓展、項目管理、市場推廣及數碼營銷、平面設計等等。 仲有阿里巴巴同 Google 代表同你分享Tips! 想投身創科界?3月4日約定你 日期:2017年3月4日 時間:11:00am – 6:00pm 地點:數碼港三期 主辦 支持
多謝東網電視關注及報道創格工房 (Incu-Lab) 有份營辦的「天經地義生活館」(WECONS)! 作為「八神」之一,創格工房會繼續努力與其餘「諸神」合作,推廣社企文化及共享經濟! 如閱讀相關報道,請點擊此東網電視網址。
Are you an Entrepreneur or a FinTech startup looking for ideas, business or technology breakthrough while creating social change? Or you might…
Incu-Lab is Supporting Organisation of Social Career – Recruitment Fair! Did you know you could use your skills and hobbies to contribute…
Incu-Lab is honoured to become Supporting Organisation for Career Expo at Science Park 2017 (科學園職業博覽 2017) organised by HKSTP. Career Expo at…
Incu-Lab is excited to support FashionTech Asia 2017 to celebrate the crossover between Fashion Innovation and Tech Innovation in Asia! Startups, fashionista,…