
數碼市場研討會 – 電競新世代

數碼市場研討會 – 電競新世代

  Incu-Lab is the Supporting Organization of the event

How To Make Your Startup Investable? 初創企業如何吸引投資?

How To Make Your Startup Investable? 初創企業如何吸引投資?

A panel discussion giving tips such as how to pitch like a founder to insights on what accelerator programmes and investors look…

Betaron-Applications are now OPEN for Cohort #2

Betaron-Applications are now OPEN for Cohort #2

  Betatron is a four-month accelerator programme which helps you optimize and scale your startup. Ten startups will be chosen and given…

IoT X Blockchain: Convergence of Smart Hardware and Finance

IoT X Blockchain: Convergence of Smart Hardware and Finance

IoT X Blockchain: Convergence of Smart Hardware and Finance ~~ a Network Reception cum Panel Discussion with exciting sharing guests at IBM…

「數碼社區聚腳點」5.0:社群攪手和初創如何與外界互動 DCC5.0: How Startups and Project Leaders Engage

「數碼社區聚腳點」5.0:社群攪手和初創如何與外界互動 DCC5.0: How Startups and Project Leaders Engage

DCC 5.0 is part of HKSAR Govt. OGCIO’s IT Fest 2017 在「數碼社區聚腳點」5.0,不同數碼社群管理達人將會分享他們如何透過數碼媒體的互動培養社群和爭取成員支持的心得,會議讓參加者交流意見,探討如何透過社交媒體把不同見解的人士連結起來。 同時,是次交流會以由創格工房會員運作的「社交媒體俱樂部﹣香港分部」的名義舉辦。在不久的將來,創格工房會推出更多有關數碼和社交媒體管理的活動,以協助數碼社群的進一步發展,為協調員、管理人、公民和不同社群的成員等充權。 DCC 5.0 is a dialogue event among digital community…

香港理工大學 – 創新拜技及電子商貿週

香港理工大學 – 創新拜技及電子商貿週

香港理工大學 – 創新拜技及電子商貿週  



Incu-Lab is jointly organizing the Mentoring Session with HKTDC as well as arranging Mentors (for Mentoring Session) and Investors / Accessors (for…

INTERNATIONAL ICT Expo: Startups Pitching

INTERNATIONAL ICT Expo: Startups Pitching

Incu-Lab is jointly organizing the Mentoring Session with HKTDC as well as supporting the Startup Pitching Session (organized by HKBAN) in admitting…

Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring Edition) X International ICT Expo

Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring Edition) X International ICT Expo

Incu-Lab is jointly organizing the Mentoring Session with HKTDC as well as supporting the Startup Pitching Session (organized by HKBAN) in admitting…



今屆Cyberport Career Fair 嘅荀工超過500份,參展科技公司同Start-ups多過70間。招聘職位涵蓋UI/UX設計、網頁/軟件開發、手機及遊戲應用程式開發、程式編寫、數據分析,又有業務拓展、項目管理、市場推廣及數碼營銷、平面設計等等。 仲有阿里巴巴同 Google 代表同你分享Tips! 想投身創科界?3月4日約定你 日期:2017年3月4日 時間:11:00am – 6:00pm 地點:數碼港三期 主辦 支持