由創格工房(Incu-Lab)主辦、香港科技園(HKSTP)及羅兵咸永道會計師事務所(PwC)策略伙伴的「ICE日」2016(ICE Days 2016)已於上週(1月25日至29日)完滿舉行!
ICE 代表 「Innovation and Change-Making Entrepreneurship」,致力邀請創新業界行尊和成功創業家,分享他們的變「格」的經驗和心得。而ICE日就是一個給國際和本地希望改變社會的企業家交流經驗的平台,為各個行業帶來新的想法和創新。ICE日涉及的議題廣泛,包括:開放源碼,開放數據和社交媒體的發展;創意媒體產業的發展趨勢;創新農業、社會經濟和城市規劃;高科技初創企業,企業和社會企業的故事;科技幫助弱勢群體和各種想法及其他可以改變社會的創新方式。
今年,ICE日已踏入第三屆,並一如以往成為香港政府投資推廣署StartmeupHK Festival 的其中一項活動。ICE日2016一連五天的馬拉松式創新科技分享環節,由19位創科達人和專家,就五大主題(即「創業經驗與建立初創團隊」、「社會創新及影響力」、「建立大型數碼顧問公司」、「『智能香港』的創新」和「同時創造初創團隊和影響」)與合共超過180名來自世界不同地方的參加者暢談香港和亞洲最熱門的創新科技潮流,分享他們創業的寶貴經驗和成功之道,啟發了參加者對創新科技的認知和理解,以及如何利用社會創新影響社會,並鼓勵了更多有志之士成立或加入初創企業,推動香港的創科生態圈發展。
請與Incu-Lab創格工房 聯絡
電話:9251-0844 (沈先生)
Dear Sir/Madam,
Last week (Jan 25-29), ICE Days 2016 was successfully organized by Incu-Lab, supported by our Strategic Partners – the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (HKSTP) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)!
ICE stands for ‘Innovation and Change-Making Entrepreneurship’. The project aspires to bring innovation gurus and successful entrepreneurs to share about their experience and insights on change-making entrepreneurship. ICE Days is an idea-sharing platform about change-making innovation and creative entrepreneurship for local and international audience of innovators and entrepreneurs. A wide range of topics are included: open source, open data and social media development; trends of creative media industry; innovations in agriculture, social economy and city planning; the stories of tech startups, companies and social enterprises; techs that can help the underprivileged and all sorts of ideas that can change the society in an innovative way.
It has been the third year since ICE Days is organized and it has always been a part of the Startmeup Festival of InvestHK. This year, ICE Days 2016 is a 5-day idea-sharing marathon about change-making innovation and creative entrepreneurship. Based on 5 topics (i.e. ‘Entrepreneurship Experience & Building a Startup’, ‘Social Innovation and Impact’, ‘Growing a Big Digital Consulting Firm’, ‘Smart Hong Kong Innovation’ and ‘Creating both Startup and Impact’ 19 social innovators, entrepreneurs and experts dialogue with more than 180 participants from different places in the world about the latest trend of innovative technology in Hong Kong and Asia. Also, they shared about the precious experience and keys of success in entrepreneurship, inspiring the participants with knowledge and enhancing their understanding in innovative technology as well as promoting the growth of startup ecosystem in Hong Kong.
Before the event officially ended, Charles Ng, Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion of HKInvest, kindly gave a final concluding remarks in which he acknowledged the positive outcome of ICE Days 2016 and expressed his wish in seeing the exciting development of the young startup ecosystem in Hong Kong continue to thrive.
ICE Days 2016 would not have been a great success without the generous support offered by numerous organizations and individuals as well as the enthusiastic participation from our audiences. We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to Invest HK, HKSTP, PwC, SCMP, Hong Kong Economic Journal, HK Golden Forum and all Supporting Organizations for their unfailing support and encouragement.
Photo download:
More information: www.incu-lab.org
Please contact Incu-Lab
By phone: 9251-0844 (Mr. Shum)
By email: info@ec2-52-77-217-49.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
[Press Release 傳媒新聞稿] ICE Days 2016
由創格工房(Incu-Lab)主辦、香港科技園(HKSTP)及羅兵咸永道會計師事務所(PwC)策略伙伴的「ICE日」2016(ICE Days 2016)已於上週(1月25日至29日)完滿舉行!
ICE 代表 「Innovation and Change-Making Entrepreneurship」,致力邀請創新業界行尊和成功創業家,分享他們的變「格」的經驗和心得。而ICE日就是一個給國際和本地希望改變社會的企業家交流經驗的平台,為各個行業帶來新的想法和創新。ICE日涉及的議題廣泛,包括:開放源碼,開放數據和社交媒體的發展;創意媒體產業的發展趨勢;創新農業、社會經濟和城市規劃;高科技初創企業,企業和社會企業的故事;科技幫助弱勢群體和各種想法及其他可以改變社會的創新方式。
今年,ICE日已踏入第三屆,並一如以往成為香港政府投資推廣署StartmeupHK Festival 的其中一項活動。ICE日2016一連五天的馬拉松式創新科技分享環節,由19位創科達人和專家,就五大主題(即「創業經驗與建立初創團隊」、「社會創新及影響力」、「建立大型數碼顧問公司」、「『智能香港』的創新」和「同時創造初創團隊和影響」)與合共超過180名來自世界不同地方的參加者暢談香港和亞洲最熱門的創新科技潮流,分享他們創業的寶貴經驗和成功之道,啟發了參加者對創新科技的認知和理解,以及如何利用社會創新影響社會,並鼓勵了更多有志之士成立或加入初創企業,推動香港的創科生態圈發展。
請與Incu-Lab創格工房 聯絡
電話:9251-0844 (沈先生)
Dear Sir/Madam,
Last week (Jan 25-29), ICE Days 2016 was successfully organized by Incu-Lab, supported by our Strategic Partners – the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (HKSTP) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)!
ICE stands for ‘Innovation and Change-Making Entrepreneurship’. The project aspires to bring innovation gurus and successful entrepreneurs to share about their experience and insights on change-making entrepreneurship. ICE Days is an idea-sharing platform about change-making innovation and creative entrepreneurship for local and international audience of innovators and entrepreneurs. A wide range of topics are included: open source, open data and social media development; trends of creative media industry; innovations in agriculture, social economy and city planning; the stories of tech startups, companies and social enterprises; techs that can help the underprivileged and all sorts of ideas that can change the society in an innovative way.
It has been the third year since ICE Days is organized and it has always been a part of the Startmeup Festival of InvestHK. This year, ICE Days 2016 is a 5-day idea-sharing marathon about change-making innovation and creative entrepreneurship. Based on 5 topics (i.e. ‘Entrepreneurship Experience & Building a Startup’, ‘Social Innovation and Impact’, ‘Growing a Big Digital Consulting Firm’, ‘Smart Hong Kong Innovation’ and ‘Creating both Startup and Impact’ 19 social innovators, entrepreneurs and experts dialogue with more than 180 participants from different places in the world about the latest trend of innovative technology in Hong Kong and Asia. Also, they shared about the precious experience and keys of success in entrepreneurship, inspiring the participants with knowledge and enhancing their understanding in innovative technology as well as promoting the growth of startup ecosystem in Hong Kong.
Before the event officially ended, Charles Ng, Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion of HKInvest, kindly gave a final concluding remarks in which he acknowledged the positive outcome of ICE Days 2016 and expressed his wish in seeing the exciting development of the young startup ecosystem in Hong Kong continue to thrive.
ICE Days 2016 would not have been a great success without the generous support offered by numerous organizations and individuals as well as the enthusiastic participation from our audiences. We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to Invest HK, HKSTP, PwC, SCMP, Hong Kong Economic Journal, HK Golden Forum and all Supporting Organizations for their unfailing support and encouragement.
Photo download:
More information: www.incu-lab.org
Please contact Incu-Lab
By phone: 9251-0844 (Mr. Shum)
By email: info@ec2-52-77-217-49.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com