IoT is related to various kinds of innovation, industries and life segments. In order to make things to be interconnected via internet,…
How to Tackle the Painful Obstacles During the Path of Entrepreneurship: A Kevin Shee Story 在成功創業路上怎樣打贏痛苦逆境之戰: 時景恆的親身經驗與智慧 Kevin Shee introduced the mini storage concept…
The FinTech Impact in Asia and the Entrepreneurs who Run the FinTech Startups How to Move a FinTech Startup? FinTech has become…
IoT is related to various kinds of innovation, industries and life segments. In order to make things to be interconnected via internet,…
* 如何規劃足球事業? * 退役足球員有什麼出路? 活動流程: 「有效地規劃你的職場」分享 一齊觀看「2018年俄羅斯世界杯」決賽 分享嘉賓:何嘉健 (香港職業足球員、現職足球教練) 日期:2018年7月15日(日) 時間:晚上9時正 地點:InnoSpace (九龍 新蒲崗 雙喜街1-3號 安田中心2樓) 費用:全免 (嘉賓言論不代表主辦團體立場) 嘉賓簡介: 何嘉健 (豆Sir) 香港職業足球員、自由踢足球工作室創辦人、現職足球教練,擁有亞洲足協B級教練証書、亞洲足協五人足球教練証書Level…
By the HK tech community, for the community. To celebrate, share and learn together. Date: 19th June, 2018 Time: 6:30PM Venue: HKEX…
All local and global change-makers, ICE Days is BACK! 5 Days! 5 Topics! 10 Speakers! Join us now to understand more about…
感謝高重建與一大班朋友分享LikeCoin背後的意義。 為創作者帶來收入,為創作者創造一個健康的生態圈。 DCC 6.0:Emigration from Facebook and the Rise of Writer-Rewarded Contents 「數碼社區聚腳點」6.0:從臉書外移潮到寫手有賞內容之崛起 Kin Ko 高重建 Co-founder, LikeCoin and Lakoo…
DCC 6.0:Emigration from Facebook and the Rise of Writer-Rewarded Contents 「數碼社區聚腳點」6.0:從臉書外移潮到寫手有賞內容之崛起 Kin Ko 高重建 Co-founder, LikeCoin and Lakoo LikeCoin創辦人、拉闊遊戲 創辦人 Kin…
Thank you for the speakers in sharing their startup journeys and the audience who came to the talk. The speakers delivered their…