Start-ups X NGOs – Unleashing Tech X Social Potentials! 初創公司X NGOs – 綻放科創潛能! Tech x Social – Idea Generation Zone is part…
推動社群參與 發揮創新資訊科技力量 時至今日,資訊科技成為我們日常生活不可或缺的一部份,而資訊科技在社會服務中所扮演的角色亦越趨重要,由以往主要在文書處理、資料庫、會計、個案管理等後勤工作應用,至近年融入於機構的前線服務如宣傳推廣、籌款活動、策略分析及規劃等部份;而社交媒體及網上宣傳,亦漸漸成為社會服務機構推動持份者參與的重要平台及工具。 為讓本港各機構更有效地善用社交媒體、網上宣傳及資訊及通訊科技工具以促進持份者的參與,Microsoft Hong Kong與香港社會服務聯會將攜手舉辦第十一屆NGO Day,探討如何以創新的思維,利用資訊科技發展的優勢,使機構更能引起公眾的共鳴。今年NGO Day 設有新環節 – “Tech x Social Idea Generation Zone”,大會邀請了一群青年創業家及各大專院校學生,利用 Tech x Social 的方向構思如何更有效地推動社群參與。NGO Day 的參與同工將即場擔任評判,選出最優秀及具創意的點子。 大會亦於當日下午安排了 IT…
Dates: 29-30 May 2015 (Fri to Sat) Venue: Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Opening Hours:…
We are thrilled to announce that TEDxHongKongSalon2015 IS OFFICIAL! “The Future of the Workplace: Leadership, Collective Intelligence and Meaning” Date: Tuesday 5 May…
Insiders to share valuable insights! Startups to pitch innovative projects! 業內人士分享寶貴見解! 初創公司推銷創新項目! Are you a tech…
We, the Hong Kong Chapter, are holding a small conference in April as a part of International IT Fest 2015, which aims to bring people together with diversity of opinions and perspectives and ensures that the world of social media does not become an echo chamber of self-reinforcing thoughts. Four core areas including media literacy, lessons sharing, adoption of industry standards and ethical behavior will be discussed in this section.
E2 – Entrepreneur Square Tech Innovation x Social Innovation Where Crossover of Ideas Happens! Innovation for Change: Entrepreneurship,Hardware Technology & the Dancing…
The Hong Kong ICT Awards aims to recognise and promote outstanding ICT inventions and applications, thereby encouraging innovation and excellence among Hong…
Social media changes our communication behaviors and has become an important marketing tool as digital engagement in this technology dominated world. It brings direct benefit on improving customer relations, and increasing visibility with prospects, along with greater awareness of customer needs. However, Facebook page cannot be the only platform to interact with potential customers. How to build up and stand out the brand with the social media nowadays? This seminar can help you find the answer!