
Entrepreneurial StoryTelling: Chris Chan, Founder of e-banner

Entrepreneurial StoryTelling: Chris Chan, Founder of e-banner

  From traditional printing industry to integrated online & offline business 從傳統印刷生意到網上-網下整合交易 陳剛雄(又名Banner Chris),從事數碼噴畫工業多年,早於2013年已運用e-commerce及網上平台營銷傳統印刷服務。 Chris於香港理工大學修讀酒店管理,及市場學與公關,並於2015年修畢香港中文大學行政工商管理碩士學位(CUHK EMBA)。 Chris現為e-banner創辦人,主要處理銷售及網絡推廣及海外發展。 About e-banner e-banner成立於2014年,致力提供網上數碼噴畫及展覽安裝工程服務,為客人提供高質素,方便快捷的服務。其中最受歡迎的產品有易拉架、展板、戶外橫額、海報和貼紙等。近年更積極拓展海外市場,務求將香港本地原創品牌帶到世界各地。 日期:2018年12月20日 時間:晚上7:00…

STARTUP 101: How To Raise Funds In The Evolving Venture Capital Landscape

STARTUP 101: How To Raise Funds In The Evolving Venture Capital Landscape

Jude O’Kelly of Mount Parker Ventures, a Hong Kong based VENTURE CAPITAL firm who has made seed investments to GoGoVan& Shopline etc.…

Growth Marketer Conference

Growth Marketer Conference

Growth Marketer Conference This is the 1st ever growth conference in HK, gathering 8 top growth experts from global & regional startups…

Entrepreneurial StoryTelling: 爽Wifi – Michael x 王朝滴雞精 – Patrick

Entrepreneurial StoryTelling: 爽Wifi – Michael x 王朝滴雞精 – Patrick

會考零分的Michael,於三年前創立爽WiFi, 在沒有人脈沒有知識沒有資源的情況下創業,用三年時間令公司在市場上有一定知名度。 打工仔出身的他,對於企業文化、員工管理,也自有一套理念。關於其創業故事,曾接受多間傳媒報道,包括: 東方日報、經濟日報、明報、經濟一週、 Yahoo新聞、東周刊、Press Logic、 MoneySmart、港故仔、香港仔 、Lion Rock Daily、香港商報、香港01、橙新聞、The Wave 及 TVB Big Boys Club等等。 Michael是2018年度<<最佳僱主>>得獎者之一。 ———————————————————————————— 兩年前,80後Patrick還是一名兼職司機,收入僅夠自己生活,但經過不斷的努力,出色的推廣手法,今日他已經是王朝滴雞精香港總代理商,每年生意額超過千萬。滴雞精更成為近年至潮的補身產品! 在其企業內,Patrick積極鼓勵每一位同事可以隨意將自己的想法提出,沒有階級之分,以提高工作效率及減省會議產生時的不必要時間。 日期:2018年11月26日(一) 時間:晚上7時正…

Star Entrepreneurs and How to be Game-Changers to Change the World

Star Entrepreneurs and How to be Game-Changers to Change the World

This event is part of Cyberport’s GEW 2018 Speakers:  Keith Tsa, Director & Co-founder, AppTask  Arthur Chan, Director & Founder, SagaDigits  Ashley…

Star Entrepreneurs and Community Engagement in Asia

Star Entrepreneurs and Community Engagement in Asia

This event is part of Cyberport’s GEW 2018 Speakers:  Sam Ng, COO, Vfluencer  Chris Chan, Co-founder, e-banner  Randal Hung, CEO & Founder,…

Star Entrepreneurs and the Digital Biz Eco-system in Asia

Star Entrepreneurs and the Digital Biz Eco-system in Asia

This event is part of Cyberport’s GEW 2018 Speakers:  Sam Ngan, Founder & CEO, MemePR  Sheldon Li, Co-founder & Chairman, Pakpobox  Felix…

Entrepreneur Story Telling: From a Construction Worker to the Market Leader of Oyster

Entrepreneur Story Telling: From a Construction Worker to the Market Leader of Oyster

Entrepreneur Story Telling: Hamish Ho of Ocean Three – From a Construction Worker to the Market Leader of Oyster 由地盤管工成為生蠔市場領導者 – Ocean…



Buy Tickets Agenda Speakers At the Startup Launchpad conference last October, we heard from Dana Madlem, VP of sales at Rush Order,…

IOTA Social Mixer v2: The Cutting Edge Application of IoT in Daily Life

IOTA Social Mixer v2: The Cutting Edge Application of IoT in Daily Life

IoT is related to various kinds of innovation, industries and life segments. In order to make things to be interconnected via internet,…