Speaker: Haggen So – Chairperson, Hong Kong Linux User Group
Speaker: Morris Ho – Co-Founder, D100 Online Radio
Speaker: Marlon Cheung – Ex- BD & Marketing Director, China.com / hongkong.com / 24/7 Media Ad Network / Pointcast Asia / Netscape Search Portal
Speaker: Andrew Pang – Founder and CEO, Leovation
Incu-Lab ICE Days in StartmeupHK– Content, Creative Commons and the Keys of Successful Innovative Entrepreneurship in Asia Pindar Wong, Co-Public Lead,…
Let’s think out of the box to become an Tech x Social entrepreneur and create biz that have Tech x Social elements!
If you are Hackers, Programmers, Product Managers, Undergraduates who are willingto realize a product, don’t hesitate to join the competition! You might even meet your future potential partner in there!
[Incu-Lab is one of the supporting organizations.]
如何解決全球暖化帶來的災難?是使用綠色科技去減排節能、從碳審計碳交易等制度層面改革、還是從根本的思維及意識 形態 著手重新思考可持續發展?我們邀請了前天文台高級科學主任、現為著名 科普 作家的李偉才博士,講解社會創新如何解決全球暖化這生態危機。
StartupsHK and SCC present a 1-day conference showcasing the best mobile startups in Hong Kong – from the entrepreneurs that create them to the investors who fund them.
[Incu-Lab is one of the supporting organizations.]
This conference presents the most influential VC partners, angel investors, startup incubators, TechCrunch’s CrunchBase and high profile startup founders from Silicon Valley. Speakers will share the practical experience, lean startup approach and insights on funding requirements from very seed to Series A & B and founder challenges with the Hong Kong audience.