
Human Nature and the Future of Human Values:Book X Change at Incu-Lab

Human Nature and the Future of Human Values:Book X Change at Incu-Lab

Incu-Lab 邀請 Book X Change 共同舉辦漂書活動,第一次聚會將於7月25日晚7時半舉行,屆時Incu-Lab創格工房的會員龍子維,將會介紹兩本書:
1) 基因救命手冊 (The Language of Life: DNA and the Revolution in Personalized Medicine), by Francis Collins
2) The Future of Human Nature, by Jurgen Habermas

‘Power of Narrative’ 2014 Community Visit: Handmade Soap Workshop

‘Power of Narrative’ 2014 Community Visit: Handmade Soap Workshop


Industry Dialogue – 創意設計

Industry Dialogue – 創意設計

CoolJobz & HKGoodJobs承接著現時推廣的「創意設計業」主題,邀請幾位成功著名的設計師/視覺藝術家,讓他們在是次論壇活動中,親身告知我們,如何可以充分將個人的創意發揮,令自己突圍而出!

HK-GD Cloud Industry Conference 2014

HK-GD Cloud Industry Conference 2014

This conference is organized by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. During this half-day event, representatives from leading cloud service providers and cloud experts from both HK and the Mainland will come and share their distinctive experience and views over this fast-growing market. Through the keynote speeches and interactive panel discussions, we will explore the business opportunities for different sectors of the industry, and promote proper adoption of cloud services to improve business outcomes.

The Economics of Happiness@The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The Economics of Happiness@The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The Economics of Happiness is a movie which describes a world moving simultaneously in two opposing directions. On the one hand, government and big business continue to promote globalization and the consolidation of corporate power. At the same time, all around the world people are resisting those policies, demanding a re-regulation of trade and finance—and, far from the old institutions of power, they’re starting to forge a very different future. Communities are coming together to re-build more human scale, ecological economies based on a new paradigm – an economics of localization.

HKVCA 13th China Private Equity Summit

HKVCA 13th China Private Equity Summit

The China Private Equity Summit is the HKVCA’s flagship event, attracting more than 350 venture capital and private equity practitioners, leading corporates, and other industry professionals and participants from across the region. It is generally recognized as the preeminent, “must-attend” practitioners’ conference, featuring discussion and information on the latest developments and trends in the private equity market in China.
[Incu-Lab is one of the supporting organizations.]

Industry Dialogue – 餐飲業

Industry Dialogue – 餐飲業

由 CoolJobz 及 HKGoodJobs 聯手合辦的「Insider Talks – 餐飲篇」正進行得如火如荼,為了讓求職者掌握更多行內資訊,瞄準機會,因此邀請業界的具豐富經驗人士出席是次「Industry Dialogue – 餐飲業」,讓你有機會與他們直接對談!機不可失!



傳統的家庭不鼓勵表達情緒,强調要「家和萬事興」,但卻抑壓著家庭成員很多不滿的情緒,也窒息了溝通。 其實高 EQ 被視為人成功的有利條件,能促進人際關係,也能增強抗逆能力。 這四節課程包括: 認識情緒與思想及身体的關係、明白不同情緒如:憤怒、焦慮、悲傷等的由 來及轉化的方法。幫助你提高自我覺察能力,更能適切地接納、表達、轉化及管理自己的情緒,你可以更新成長,活得更自由﹗

Industry Dialogue – 資訊及通訊科技

Industry Dialogue – 資訊及通訊科技

由 CoolJobz 及 HKGoodJobs 聯手合辦的「Insider Talks – ICT篇」正進行得如火如荼,為了讓求職者掌握更多行內資訊,瞄準機會,因此邀請4位IT界內的專業人士出席是次的「Industry Dialogue – 資訊及通訊科技」,讓你有機會與有豐富經驗的行內人直接對談!你,又點可以錯過呢?

Asian Business Angel Network 2014

Asian Business Angel Network 2014

The ABAF is Asia’s largest premier angel investors’ conference includes Investment Workshops for Entrepreneurs & Angel Investors, Speakers, Investment Pitching, Networking Luncheons and a Cruise Dinner.