
Slush HK

Slush HK

On October 9th Slush comes to Hong Kong. Pitch in front of a crowd of peers, entrepreneurs, family offices, angels and venture capitalists.
[Incu-Lab is the Sponsor and Partner of the Event.]

Incu -Lab ICE CLUB: US$2.5M Fundraising for Open Source with an Open Mind! 可持續發展的開放源碼伺服器•籌US$2.5M資金

Incu -Lab ICE CLUB: US$2.5M Fundraising for Open Source with an Open Mind! 可持續發展的開放源碼伺服器•籌US$2.5M資金

Donald Szeto, the co-founder of PredictionIO, will share his success in building an open-source Machine Learning serverfor software developers to build a personalization engine to predict user behavior. It has recently raised US$2.5m in seed funding from a raft of investors, while it have 4,000developers engaged at the solopreneur to enterprise level from eCommerce to food delivery. Come and explore more advanced features of the open source development!

CDI Engagement Evening Engagement Evening – Mrs. Rachel Cartland /「政策對話及參與」系列 – 簡何巧雲女士

CDI Engagement Evening Engagement Evening – Mrs. Rachel Cartland /「政策對話及參與」系列 – 簡何巧雲女士

Engagement Evening, the public engagement series organized by Community Development Initiative, is honored to have Mrs. Rachel Cartland, Former Assistant Director of HKSAR Social Welfare Department, to be our sharing guest.

What have the past and existing social security systems in Hong Kong gone wrong? How to achieve the balance between a variety of concerns in order to have an effective retirement protection for a better Hong Kong?

Industry Dialogue – 創新 x 社會變革

Industry Dialogue – 創新 x 社會變革

近年香港興旺的創新產業包括社企、互聯網、媒體、設計等等 – 香港人,當然喜歡創新搞新意思 ! 就以社企為例,近年一些非牟利機構也蛻變搞社企,使用全新手法及方式去搞一系列創新而有社會影響力的服務,甚或cross over科技和設計,成功令更多人關注其服務對象。


Incu-Lab ICE CLUB: Run Coffee Business with Innovative Ideas 咖啡生意創意攪

Incu-Lab ICE CLUB: Run Coffee Business with Innovative Ideas 咖啡生意創意攪

Incu-Lab ICE Club will invite Dixon Ip, the first certified CQI Licensed Q Grader in China & Hong Kong by Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) and the founder of COFFEE Lab Asia & Xen Coffee, to share his experience and insight of becoming an entrepreneur in this newly developed coffee industry.

SMECC Startup 101: What’s the Deal?

SMECC Startup 101: What’s the Deal?

About this Workshop The Startup101 workshop series is designed to help entrepreneurs and SMEs better understand and successfully use common and fundamental modern business tools. Join us on Thursday, September 11 and learn all about Memorandas of Understanding (an “MOU”).
[Incu-Labspace is one of the Supporting Organizers.]

Wall Painting for HK Community !!!! /香港社區創作共享  牆壁繪畫

Wall Painting for HK Community !!!! /香港社區創作共享 牆壁繪畫

Let’s collaborate and co-create something in HK community together! Join us in the two weekends to paint a community mural in the University of Hong Kong. Welcome to bring your friends and family to enjoy a day filled with art, stories and community spirit.




Industry Dialogue – 保險人壽

Industry Dialogue – 保險人壽

保險業發展向好,於世界500強企業中,跟保險有關的企業佔了53個。而這20年間,中國的保險業高速增長,發展空間巨大,絕對能令更多新一代投身這行業!為讓更多人知道這行業的最新動態,我們將舉行「保險人壽Industry Dialogue」,並邀請了亞太區壽險總會前會長黃錦輝先生作嘉賓主講,與出席人士分享工作經驗和剖析行業發展趨勢及前景,引起更多人對此行業的關注。


