This December, we have 3 startups and incubation movers to share several topics including tech startups, social media development, and innovations in entrepreneurship that can change the society in an innovative way. Join us and meet more speakers to help your business!
The APAC Innovation Summit brings together representatives from the government, academia, research and development, finance and related industries to learn and exchange views on current challenges and opportunities for Asian innovation. It specifically focuses on strategic framework design, best practice case studies, potential economic opportunities and implementation roadmaps in an exclusively Asian context. For attendees, it provides a tangible opportunity to exchange information on policy and strategic initiatives to advance innovation and the development of the knowledge economy in Asia.
[Incu-Lab is one of the supporting organizations]
Cyberport will, in November, host the 2014 Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) China – Hong Kong, a renowned industry event that partners entrepreneurs and industry leaders to drive global innovation and collaboration. The week will conclude on November 21 with the iStartup@HK Video-Pitch Contest Finale with the results announced and prizes awarded to winners of the top ten video pitching teams.
[Incu-Lab is one of the supporting organizations]
BarCamp Hong Kong has been active since 2007, starting out with only 100 attendees and 30 sessions. Our last few BarCamps have each attracted 400-500 participants, comprising entrepreneurs, designers, developers, media professionals, bloggers, investors and many more. Topics have included open source, user experience, coworking, mobile development, big data, programming jokes (really), and just about any hot topic of the moment. What would you like to talk about this time?
[Incu-Lab is one of the supporting organizations]
The TEDxHongKong team is pleased to announce that three more amazing speakers will be flying into Hong Kong to speak at TEDxHongKong2014! HurryTickets Will Not Last!!! We look forward to seeing you soon!
[Incu-Lab is one of the supporting organizations]
Incu-Lab ICE Days (Innovation and Change-Making Entrepreneurship) is an idea sharing marathon, about innovation and creative entrepreneurship. Local and international audience of innovators and entrepreneurs will understand more about the situation. A wide range of topics will be included: open source, open data and social media development; trends of creative media industry; innovations in agriculture, social economy and city planning; the stories of tech startups, companies and social enterprises; techs that can help the underprivileged and all sorts of ideas that can change the society in an innovative way.
Billy Lam, Vice President of Transpacific IP Group, will give us information and reminder for startups on IP protection as intellectual property (IP) protection is essential for startup to maintain a competitive advantage during the earliest stage, while people now realize that it can also help towards further development. He will also share successful stories on business development and value maximization by investing in trademarks, copyrights and patents.
我們居住在香港多年,但實際上對它的歷史及文化背景了解嗎?這次讓我們透過 文化‧無障 – 「文化傳承導賞遊」,邀請社區人士與長者共同參與,乘坐纜車到山頂凌霄閣摩天台欣賞維港景色,然後到香港仔享用特式午膳,再遊覽極具創意及設計價值的中環元創坊,以及記載著民間傳統信仰的文武廟等地方,沿途感受香港中西交匯的文化。
A TEDxLive event gathers together a TEDx community in order to watch a live stream of the TED conference and to get “a taste of TED” consisting of the video broadcast talks from TEDGlobal 2014 from Rio de Janeiro and a number of live speakers. This year, our event will be held on Saturday, October 11, 2014.
[Incu-Lab is one of the supporting organizations.]