
ICE Days 2017 at StartmeupHK Festival 2017

ICE Days 2017 at StartmeupHK Festival 2017

Mark your calendar! Our ICE Days 2017 is COMING AGAIN and SOON! (as part of StartmeupHK Festival 2017 organised by InvestHK) Stay…

Sustaining Tech X Social Innovation in Hong Kong

Sustaining Tech X Social Innovation in Hong Kong

One of the major challenges a successful Tech x Social innovation change-maker must overcome is to create and maintain a sustaining business…

Heycoins claimed Champion at F&B Disrupt Transformation Pitch

Heycoins claimed Champion at F&B Disrupt Transformation Pitch

Congratulations to Heycoins, a FinTech startup supported by Incu-Lab, which claimed Champion at DBS Business Class F&B Disrupt Transformation Pitch this Tuesday (6…

Age Inclusion Salon (Elderly Engagement) by Mettā

Age Inclusion Salon (Elderly Engagement) by Mettā

Incu-Lab is Supporting Organisation for Age Inclusion Salon by Mettā Recently, alarming cases of negligence and abuse in elderly homes have been recurrently…

[Volunteers WANTED!] Event coordinators for Powering Sustainability campaign with Tesla

[Volunteers WANTED!] Event coordinators for Powering Sustainability campaign with Tesla

Incu-Lab is supporting Social Career who is looking for individuals passionate about new ways of volunteering and interested in gaining some event coordination…

開拓共享經濟 激發潛在商機

開拓共享經濟 激發潛在商機

Incu-Lab 全力支持是次講座。想了解更多「共享經濟」,快點報名參加啦! --------- #Mark低個日子 12 月 1 日,我們將與 HKTDC 香港貿發局 聯合舉辦「創意、創造、創富」 講座系列的首次講座 -「開拓共享經濟 激發潛在商機 」! 第一節 – 專題討論環節 (粵語) 「共享經濟」今年成為全城灸手可熱的話題,到底是什麼因素令這概念以驚人的速度讓小型企業茁壯成長呢?本環節將會由資深企業家及投資者以互動方式和參加者討論此專題,並共同開拓「共享經濟」帶來的潛在商機。 嘉賓講者: •…

Heycoins @ The Future of Banking, Hong Kong

Heycoins @ The Future of Banking, Hong Kong

Incu-Lab supported Heycoins which gave a sharing at ‘Top Tech Startups Showcase’ of The Future of Banking, Hong Kong, a must-attend annual event for banking…

[Event Review] E2 Tech X Social: Innovation for Inclusive Society – Keys and Opportunities

[Event Review] E2 Tech X Social: Innovation for Inclusive Society – Keys and Opportunities

On Nov 15 (Tue) 7-9pm, Incu-Lab successfully hosted E2 Tech X Social: Innovation for Inclusive Society – Keys and Opportunities, a fruitful…

【活動回顧】數碼社區聚腳點 4.0:O2O用家互動與社群深耕

【活動回顧】數碼社區聚腳點 4.0:O2O用家互動與社群深耕

由創格工房(Incu-Lab)主辦、Missolink協辦的「數碼社區聚腳點 4.0:O2O用家互動與社群深耕」(DCC 4.0: O2O USER ENGAGEMENT & SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY BUILDING)已於星期一(11月14日)下午7時至10時在觀塘 Missolink Co-working Space順利完滿舉行! 創格工房感謝數碼港邀請,於「2016全球創業週」活動中舉辦這個有關O2O用家互動 (User Engagaement)與數碼社群深耕 (Digital Community Management) 的交流會,歡迎所有數碼社群管理人和從事有關市場推廣的人士參加。研討會當日有逾30人出席,場面非常熱鬧!不同數碼社群管理達人分享了他們如何透過數碼媒體的互動培養社群和爭取成員支持的心得,並探索了O2O的新趨勢和模式發展,在不同產品、服務和議題的社群參與者之間建立更緊密的聯繫! 是次交流會以由創格工房會員運作的「社交媒體俱樂部 -…

Opening Ceremony @2016 Global Entrepreneurship Week China – Hong Kong

Opening Ceremony @2016 Global Entrepreneurship Week China – Hong Kong

  On 15 Nov 2016 (Tuesday), Incu-Lab celebrates the Opening Ceremony @2016 Global Entrepreneurship Week China – Hong Kong, organised by Cyberport. It was…