TED x Hong Kong Live!
TEDGlobal2014: Fresh!
Maik Friedrich
Founder, Empower Asia

Free Admission
Limited Seats
Simulcast + Live Speakers
Saturday, October 11, 2014
10am – 4pm
Hong Kong Science Park

A TEDxLive event gathers together a TEDx community in order to watch a live stream of the TED conference and to get “a taste of TED” consisting of the video broadcast talks from TEDGlobal 2014 from Rio de Janeiro and a number of live speakers. This year, our event will be held on Saturday, October 11, 2014.
While TEDxHongKongLive will be bringing the event from the Copacabana Palace Hotel in Rio de Janeiro to Hong Kong. Here we will celebrate the outpouring of innovation, dynamism and creativity taking place all over South America and the global South. Fresh thinking can be found in every direction; in emerging geographies, as well as in the western hemisphere. TEDGlobal focuses on the Global South’s rise in influence and power – plus relevant stories from the rest of the world. In addition, we will be featuring a number of live speakers to continue exploring Fresh ideas and Fresh examples closer to home.
Learn more
Maik Friedrich
Founder, Empower Asia
Raised in Germany, Maik left his professional career in a private bank to use his experience to support young people in their life journey. Educated in Germany (Banking), the United Kingdom (International Business) and the USA (Theology), Maik moved to Hong Kong in 2006 to serve students in Asia as staff in different non-profit organizations before joining EA. Hong Kong is also the place where he met his wife Katie who also works with EA. He is passionate to see people discover their gifts and unfold their talents, and live life to all its fullness.
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The TEDxHongKong Team
TED x Hong Kong Live
TED x Hong Kong Live!
TEDGlobal2014: Fresh!
Maik Friedrich
Founder, Empower Asia
Free Admission
Limited Seats
Simulcast + Live Speakers
Saturday, October 11, 2014
10am – 4pm
Hong Kong Science Park
A TEDxLive event gathers together a TEDx community in order to watch a live stream of the TED conference and to get “a taste of TED” consisting of the video broadcast talks from TEDGlobal 2014 from Rio de Janeiro and a number of live speakers. This year, our event will be held on Saturday, October 11, 2014.
While TEDxHongKongLive will be bringing the event from the Copacabana Palace Hotel in Rio de Janeiro to Hong Kong. Here we will celebrate the outpouring of innovation, dynamism and creativity taking place all over South America and the global South. Fresh thinking can be found in every direction; in emerging geographies, as well as in the western hemisphere. TEDGlobal focuses on the Global South’s rise in influence and power – plus relevant stories from the rest of the world. In addition, we will be featuring a number of live speakers to continue exploring Fresh ideas and Fresh examples closer to home.
Learn more
Founder, Empower Asia
Raised in Germany, Maik left his professional career in a private bank to use his experience to support young people in their life journey. Educated in Germany (Banking), the United Kingdom (International Business) and the USA (Theology), Maik moved to Hong Kong in 2006 to serve students in Asia as staff in different non-profit organizations before joining EA. Hong Kong is also the place where he met his wife Katie who also works with EA. He is passionate to see people discover their gifts and unfold their talents, and live life to all its fullness.
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There is Always Something You Can Do to Make It Happen
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The TEDxHongKong Team
Copyright © 2014 tedxhongkong.org