Our supported startups getting more media exposure and recognition
Jeffrey Chung
Collaction is one of our supported and incubated startups. As incubator, Incu-Lab is glad to see more local startups getting more media exposure and recognition!
Incu-Lab 支持和培育的初創團隊 Collaction 發揮「Tech x Social」的威力,最近又有新搞作,製作了「404 not found」尋人平台,獲得不少媒體關注和報導!
Our supported startups getting more media exposure and recognition
Collaction is one of our supported and incubated startups. As incubator, Incu-Lab is glad to see more local startups getting more media exposure and recognition!
Incu-Lab 支持和培育的初創團隊 Collaction 發揮「Tech x Social」的威力,最近又有新搞作,製作了「404 not found」尋人平台,獲得不少媒體關注和報導!
(Source: Apple Daily)