Incu-Lab’s ICE Club is a platform for change-making entrepreneurs to share experience in order to bring up new ideas to make changes and innovation to various industries.
We are glad to have Donald Szeto, the co-founder of PredictionIO, to share his success in building an open-source Machine Learning serverfor software developers to build a personalization engine to predict user behavior. It has recentlyraised 2.5m in seed funding from a raft of investors, while it have 4,000developers engaged at the solopreneur to enterprise level from eCommerce to food delivery.
Come and explore more advanced features of the open source development!
Incu-Lab 統籌的 ICE Club為一創格創業家的交流和學習平台,定期舉行不同活動,邀請過來人和新創業人分享經驗以幫助創新企業家及創格人於各業界的發展。
今次我們邀請了PredictionIO創辦人之一司徒傑鵬分享發展開放源碼伺服器的成功要訣。他建立了幫助軟件開發人員開拓特定的用戶及市場的Open Source Machine Learning Server,並於七月從各界投資者得到250萬的種子資金,讓他進一步提供更多功能和服務。
現時市場上的數據資料管理系統和軟件多不勝數, 要在云云競爭之中脫穎而出,創新的思維是不可缺少的。 快來探索創新的軟件發展吧!
Speaker: Donald Szeto
– Co-founder and CTO at PredictionIO
– Raised $2.5M for Development of open source Machine Learning Server
– Worked at Nvidia & Robert Bosch Research Technology
– Master Degree in Electrical Engineering of Stanford University
Date 日期: Oct 9th, 2014
Time 時間: 7:00 p.m. -8:30 p.m.
Venue 地點: Incu-Labspace, Unit 2102, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Registration 報名:
Enquiry 查詢: 3171-7624 /
Organizer 主辦單位: Incu-Lab, Incu-Labspace
Supporting Organizer 協辦單位: Invest Hong Kong, Start me Up, Open Source Hong Kong, HKGoodJobs, CoolJobz

Incu -Lab ICE CLUB: US$2.5M Fundraising for Open Source with an Open Mind! 可持續發展的開放源碼伺服器•籌US$2.5M資金
Incu-Lab’s ICE Club is a platform for change-making entrepreneurs to share experience in order to bring up new ideas to make changes and innovation to various industries.
We are glad to have Donald Szeto, the co-founder of PredictionIO, to share his success in building an open-source Machine Learning serverfor software developers to build a personalization engine to predict user behavior. It has recentlyraised 2.5m in seed funding from a raft of investors, while it have 4,000developers engaged at the solopreneur to enterprise level from eCommerce to food delivery.
Come and explore more advanced features of the open source development!
Incu-Lab 統籌的 ICE Club為一創格創業家的交流和學習平台,定期舉行不同活動,邀請過來人和新創業人分享經驗以幫助創新企業家及創格人於各業界的發展。
今次我們邀請了PredictionIO創辦人之一司徒傑鵬分享發展開放源碼伺服器的成功要訣。他建立了幫助軟件開發人員開拓特定的用戶及市場的Open Source Machine Learning Server,並於七月從各界投資者得到250萬的種子資金,讓他進一步提供更多功能和服務。
現時市場上的數據資料管理系統和軟件多不勝數, 要在云云競爭之中脫穎而出,創新的思維是不可缺少的。 快來探索創新的軟件發展吧!
Speaker: Donald Szeto
– Co-founder and CTO at PredictionIO
– Raised $2.5M for Development of open source Machine Learning Server
– Worked at Nvidia & Robert Bosch Research Technology
– Master Degree in Electrical Engineering of Stanford University
Date 日期: Oct 9th, 2014
Time 時間: 7:00 p.m. -8:30 p.m.
Venue 地點: Incu-Labspace, Unit 2102, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Registration 報名:
Enquiry 查詢: 3171-7624 /
Organizer 主辦單位: Incu-Lab, Incu-Labspace
Supporting Organizer 協辦單位: Invest Hong Kong, Start me Up, Open Source Hong Kong, HKGoodJobs, CoolJobz