Incu-Lab ICE Days in StartmeupHK–
Content, Creative Commons and the Keys of Successful Innovative Entrepreneurship in Asia
Pindar Wong,
Co-Public Lead, Creative Commons HK

Date: Dec 2, 2013 (Monday)
Time: 5pm – 6pm
Venue: Incu-Lab, Unit 2102, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Language: Eng / Chi
RSVP: Check here
Pindar Wong Profile
Pindar Wong is the Chairman of VeriFi (Hong Kong) Ltd., a discrete Internet infrastructure consultancy. He serves on the Digital 21 Strategy Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Government, the School of Engineering Advisory Committee HKUST, the Technical Advisory Board of the Packet Clearing House and as the co-public lead of Creative Commons Hong Kong. Previously, he co-founded Hong Kong’s first licensed Internet service provider in 1993, was the Chair of the Asia Pacific Internet Association, alternate Chair of Asia Pacific Network Information Centre, Trustee of the Internet Society and was appointed by the Internet Architecture Board to the gTLD-MoU Policy Oversight Committee. He served as the Associate or Vice-Chair of ICANN’s Nominating Committee (2003-4), At-Large Study Committee (2001) and Board of Directors (1999).
Organizer : Incu-Lab
Co-organizer: Community Development Initiative

ICE Days (Innovation and Change-making Entrepreneurship) in
StartMeUp Week of InvestHK, HKSAR Gov
Incu-Lab ICE Days (Innovation and Change-Making Entrepreneurship) is an idea sharing marathon, about innovation and creative entrepreneurship. Local and international audience of innovators and entrepreneurs will understand more about the situation.
A wide range of topics will be included: open source, open data and social media development; trends of creative media industry; innovations in agriculture, social economy and city planning; the stories of tech startups, companies and social enterprises; techs that can help the underprivileged and all sorts of ideas that can change the society in an innovative way.
We have also invited Mr. Kim A. Salkeld, JP, the head of Efficient Unit, HKSAR government, to talk about SIE fund and social innovation.
The Incu-Lab ICE Days is supported by InvestHK of HK government, and is part of the Startmeup Week of InvestHK.
Startmeup Week will be happening from the 2 – 7 December 2013 in Hong Kong! It will include the first Startmeup Venture Forum and many amazing events organised by the Hong Kong startup community.
Website: www.startmeup.hk/en/awards-programme/startmeuphk-december-week
Incu-Lab ICE Days in StartmeupHK – Content, Creative commons and the keys of successful innovative entrepreneurship in Asia
Incu-Lab ICE Days in StartmeupHK–
Content, Creative Commons and the Keys of Successful Innovative Entrepreneurship in Asia
Pindar Wong,
Co-Public Lead, Creative Commons HK
Date: Dec 2, 2013 (Monday)
Time: 5pm – 6pm
Venue: Incu-Lab, Unit 2102, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Language: Eng / Chi
RSVP: Check here
Pindar Wong Profile
Pindar Wong is the Chairman of VeriFi (Hong Kong) Ltd., a discrete Internet infrastructure consultancy. He serves on the Digital 21 Strategy Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Government, the School of Engineering Advisory Committee HKUST, the Technical Advisory Board of the Packet Clearing House and as the co-public lead of Creative Commons Hong Kong. Previously, he co-founded Hong Kong’s first licensed Internet service provider in 1993, was the Chair of the Asia Pacific Internet Association, alternate Chair of Asia Pacific Network Information Centre, Trustee of the Internet Society and was appointed by the Internet Architecture Board to the gTLD-MoU Policy Oversight Committee. He served as the Associate or Vice-Chair of ICANN’s Nominating Committee (2003-4), At-Large Study Committee (2001) and Board of Directors (1999).
Organizer : Incu-Lab
Co-organizer: Community Development Initiative
ICE Days (Innovation and Change-making Entrepreneurship) in
StartMeUp Week of InvestHK, HKSAR Gov
Incu-Lab ICE Days (Innovation and Change-Making Entrepreneurship) is an idea sharing marathon, about innovation and creative entrepreneurship. Local and international audience of innovators and entrepreneurs will understand more about the situation.
A wide range of topics will be included: open source, open data and social media development; trends of creative media industry; innovations in agriculture, social economy and city planning; the stories of tech startups, companies and social enterprises; techs that can help the underprivileged and all sorts of ideas that can change the society in an innovative way.
We have also invited Mr. Kim A. Salkeld, JP, the head of Efficient Unit, HKSAR government, to talk about SIE fund and social innovation.
The Incu-Lab ICE Days is supported by InvestHK of HK government, and is part of the Startmeup Week of InvestHK.
Startmeup Week will be happening from the 2 – 7 December 2013 in Hong Kong! It will include the first Startmeup Venture Forum and many amazing events organised by the Hong Kong startup community.
Website: www.startmeup.hk/en/awards-programme/startmeuphk-december-week