Engagement Evening 「政策對話及參與」系列
Mrs. Rachel Cartland 簡何巧雲女士
社區發展動力培育舉辦「政策對話及參與」系列,旨在促進公民社會溝通交流。今次我們邀請了前社署助理署長簡何巧雲女士(Rachel Cartland),作為本次活動的對話嘉賓。
日期: 2014年9月26日(星期五)
時間: 下午6時30分至8時30分
地點: 天后電氣道148號21樓Incu-Lab 2102室 創格空間
語言: 英語(嘉賓分享),英語及中文(對話交流)
費用: 全免
社區發展動力培育(CDI)為非牟利機構,致力於政策研究、公眾教育、倡議、社區服務等活動,有賴各方支持。(當日設置捐款箱,方便大家踴躍支持,或致電3114 0784安排郵寄捐款)
查詢: 3114-0784 (電話) 或 event@cdiorg.hk (電郵)
RSVP: http://cdi-ee-201409.eventbrite.hk
Engagement Evening with
Mrs. Rachel Cartland
(Former Assistant Director of HKSAR Social Welfare Department)
Facilitator: George Cautherley
The Past & Future of Universial Retirement Protection Scheme
in Hong Kong
Engagement Evening, the public engagement series organized by Community Development Initiative, is honored to have Mrs. Rachel Cartland, Former Assistant Director of HKSAR Social Welfare Department, to be our sharing guest.
The retirement protection policy has been under discussion in Hong Kong over 30 years. Last month, Professor Nelson Chow from the University of Hong Kong presented the findings of the study on “Future Development of Retirement Protection in Hong Kong”. It suggests the provision of a monthly pension of $3,000 for all aged 65 or above without any mean test, and the introduction of payroll old age tax, resulting in different opinions among stakeholders in HK
Several community groups believe the universal retirement protection scheme should able to supplement the insufficiency of present retirement system, in order to solve the problem of aging population and poor elderly, leading to a basic living od elderly with higher dignity. However, other reckons that the suggestion of study might bring long-term financial burden and affect its feasibility and sustainability. The government also agrees the scheme can only be implemented before social consensus is made.
What have the past and existing social security systems in Hong Kong gone wrong? How to achieve the balance between a variety of concerns in order to have an effective retirement protection for a better Hong Kong?
Date: September 26, 2014 (Friday)
Time: 6:30PM – 8:30PM
Venue: Incu-Labspace, Room 2102, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Language: English (guest sharing) ; Chinese & English (dialogue)
Admission: Free of charge
Inquiry: 3114-0784 (by phone) or event@cdiorg.hk (by email)
RSVP: http://cdi-ee-201409.eventbrite.hk
Organizer: CDI
Co-organizer: Incu-Lab
Supporting org: Incu-Labspace
CDI is a non-profit making organization and your support is needed for policy research, education and advocacy works. (We will set a donation box at the venue and your contribution is mostly welcomed. You could also support our works by contacting us at 3114 0784 for arranging mailing cheque payment.)
Incu-Lab is an organization that pushes innovation & change-making entrepreneurship in Hong Kong & Asia, your support is needed for its capacity building, education, idea generation, mentoring and impact investment works. (Contribution box will be set on that day for you to support us, or you may contact us at 3171 7624 regarding contribution).

CDI Engagement Evening Engagement Evening – Mrs. Rachel Cartland /「政策對話及參與」系列 – 簡何巧雲女士
Engagement Evening 「政策對話及參與」系列
Mrs. Rachel Cartland 簡何巧雲女士
社區發展動力培育舉辦「政策對話及參與」系列,旨在促進公民社會溝通交流。今次我們邀請了前社署助理署長簡何巧雲女士(Rachel Cartland),作為本次活動的對話嘉賓。
日期: 2014年9月26日(星期五)
時間: 下午6時30分至8時30分
地點: 天后電氣道148號21樓Incu-Lab 2102室 創格空間
語言: 英語(嘉賓分享),英語及中文(對話交流)
費用: 全免
社區發展動力培育(CDI)為非牟利機構,致力於政策研究、公眾教育、倡議、社區服務等活動,有賴各方支持。(當日設置捐款箱,方便大家踴躍支持,或致電3114 0784安排郵寄捐款)
查詢: 3114-0784 (電話) 或 event@cdiorg.hk (電郵)
RSVP: http://cdi-ee-201409.eventbrite.hk
Engagement Evening with
Mrs. Rachel Cartland
(Former Assistant Director of HKSAR Social Welfare Department)
Facilitator: George Cautherley
The Past & Future of Universial Retirement Protection Scheme
in Hong Kong
Engagement Evening, the public engagement series organized by Community Development Initiative, is honored to have Mrs. Rachel Cartland, Former Assistant Director of HKSAR Social Welfare Department, to be our sharing guest.
The retirement protection policy has been under discussion in Hong Kong over 30 years. Last month, Professor Nelson Chow from the University of Hong Kong presented the findings of the study on “Future Development of Retirement Protection in Hong Kong”. It suggests the provision of a monthly pension of $3,000 for all aged 65 or above without any mean test, and the introduction of payroll old age tax, resulting in different opinions among stakeholders in HK
Several community groups believe the universal retirement protection scheme should able to supplement the insufficiency of present retirement system, in order to solve the problem of aging population and poor elderly, leading to a basic living od elderly with higher dignity. However, other reckons that the suggestion of study might bring long-term financial burden and affect its feasibility and sustainability. The government also agrees the scheme can only be implemented before social consensus is made.
What have the past and existing social security systems in Hong Kong gone wrong? How to achieve the balance between a variety of concerns in order to have an effective retirement protection for a better Hong Kong?
Date: September 26, 2014 (Friday)
Time: 6:30PM – 8:30PM
Venue: Incu-Labspace, Room 2102, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Language: English (guest sharing) ; Chinese & English (dialogue)
Admission: Free of charge
Inquiry: 3114-0784 (by phone) or event@cdiorg.hk (by email)
RSVP: http://cdi-ee-201409.eventbrite.hk
Organizer: CDI
Co-organizer: Incu-Lab
Supporting org: Incu-Labspace
CDI is a non-profit making organization and your support is needed for policy research, education and advocacy works. (We will set a donation box at the venue and your contribution is mostly welcomed. You could also support our works by contacting us at 3114 0784 for arranging mailing cheque payment.)
Incu-Lab is an organization that pushes innovation & change-making entrepreneurship in Hong Kong & Asia, your support is needed for its capacity building, education, idea generation, mentoring and impact investment works. (Contribution box will be set on that day for you to support us, or you may contact us at 3171 7624 regarding contribution).