Like last year, Incu-Lab is Partner of Cyberport GEW.
On 15 Nov 2016 (Tuesday), Incu-Lab celebrates the Opening Ceremony @2016 Global Entrepreneurship Week China – Hong Kong, organised by Cyberport. It was a great opportunity to meet and build connections with GEW partners, investors, partners, start-ups, industry players, etc.
We would like to express our heartfelt thank to Cyberport for inviting us again this year to become Partner and organise insight-sharing seminars – DCC 4.0 and E2 Tech X Social – which were successfully held during GEW on 14th and 15th Nov.
2016年11月15日(星期二),Incu-Lab慶祝由數碼港舉辦的2016年全球創業周中國 – 香港開幕禮。這是一個很好的機會與GEW合作夥伴、投資者、合作夥伴、初創企業和行業參與者等建立聯繫。
我們衷心感謝數碼港今年再次邀請我們成為合作夥伴,並在GEW期間成功舉辦了兩場心得分享研討會– DCC 4.0(11月14日)和 E2 Tech X Social(11月15日)。
Opening Ceremony @2016 Global Entrepreneurship Week China – Hong Kong
Like last year, Incu-Lab is Partner of Cyberport GEW.
On 15 Nov 2016 (Tuesday), Incu-Lab celebrates the Opening Ceremony @2016 Global Entrepreneurship Week China – Hong Kong, organised by Cyberport. It was a great opportunity to meet and build connections with GEW partners, investors, partners, start-ups, industry players, etc.
We would like to express our heartfelt thank to Cyberport for inviting us again this year to become Partner and organise insight-sharing seminars – DCC 4.0 and E2 Tech X Social – which were successfully held during GEW on 14th and 15th Nov.
2016年11月15日(星期二),Incu-Lab慶祝由數碼港舉辦的2016年全球創業周中國 – 香港開幕禮。這是一個很好的機會與GEW合作夥伴、投資者、合作夥伴、初創企業和行業參與者等建立聯繫。
我們衷心感謝數碼港今年再次邀請我們成為合作夥伴,並在GEW期間成功舉辦了兩場心得分享研討會– DCC 4.0(11月14日)和 E2 Tech X Social(11月15日)。