疾風勁草繪本預展及創作分享 Power of Narrative Picture Book Pre-Exhibition & Sharing

Nov 07, 2015
Jeffrey Chung

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How would you understand the marginalized groups in Hong Kong?

The exhibits are picture books designed by young artists from the Academy of Visual Arts of Hong Kong Baptist University. They visited ten marginalized groups, namely elderly, ethnic minority, singleton elderly, the visually impaired, new Mainland immigrant women, single-parent women, the poor cramped in cubicles, children with special education needs, wheelchair user and Middle-aged low-income person. Based on what they heard, the artists transformed the stories into picture books. We do not think that the exhibition can capture the reality of their living; nor can we stop the existing prejudices which partly contribute to their marginalized positions. However, we hope that the exhibition can show the power of narrative by representing communal life in an indigenous way, and hence inspiring people and changing their minds. We may at least recall Hong Kong people to understand the difficulties faced by the marginalized groups, and to realize how they thrive despite the adversities.



Incu-Labspace – Unit 2102, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong HK

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