Collaction is one of our supported and incubated startups. As incubator, Incu-Lab is glad to see more local startups getting more media…
Good news!! Asia America MultiTechnology Association (AAMA, 亞傑協會), the Silicon Valley’s largest and most established non-profit organization dedicated to the Asia American high-tech…
In 2015, Incu-Lab was ‘Program Support’ for JCI Business Academy from August 14 to 16. We helped organizing 5 capacity building activities…
中小企不容錯過的全日免費研討會 A FREE MUST-ATTEND FULL DAY SEMINAR DESIGNED FOR SMES! 近年,互聯網凝聚著一股新經濟及創新力量,稱為「共享經濟」模式。這模式由個人與個人P2P (peer-to-peer) 主導,利用科技及創新作雙向互動、於網上直接進行買賣或分享。這新模式深受千禧一代歡迎,並且帶來巨大商機。鑒於「共享經濟」正以前所未有的速度去改變我 們的未來,貴司會否為迎接下一個新挑戰作出準備呢? 由HKIRC舉辦的第七屆數碼市場研討會 (DMP) ,今年主題為「共享經濟:機遇 與威 脅」。在研討會上,本地公司、中小企、業界領先者和與會者皆可掌握市場第一手資訊,探討數碼市場的趨勢,以及由「共享 經濟」所帶 來的機遇與挑戰,及有關科技的最新發展。…
On July 25, Incu-Lab acts as judge in PolyU Good Seed Entrepreneurship Program.
On 22 July, Incu-Lab was acting as mentor for the training camp! We met brilliant and passionate students from Hog Kong, Mainland…
The Empowering Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) Program is a year-long entrepreneurship program launched by Google and Center for Entrepreneurship of The Chinese University…
On May 29, Incu-Lab attended the TDC Entrepreneur Day to give advice to startups at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Dates: 29-30 May 2015 (Fri to Sat) Venue: Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Opening Hours:…
由 CoolJobz 及 HKGoodJobs 聯手合辦的「Insider Talks – ICT篇」正進行得如火如荼,為了讓求職者掌握更多行內資訊,瞄準機會,因此邀請4位IT界內的專業人士出席是次的「Industry Dialogue – 資訊及通訊科技」,讓你有機會與有豐富經驗的行內人直接對談!你,又點可以錯過呢?