Category Archive for "Capacity Building"

星‧聲Career – IT先鋒葉旭輝:進軍內地電訊界不果 自由市場更勝一切


【Tech is Cool】OpenRice : How to Have Product & Tech Innovation in e-commerce & e-Platform

這麼多年來,關於餐廳的資訊內容、訂檯訂服務、用家意見參考與分享、外賣預訂等等,都是pain points痛點多多和地雷處處,而Openrice運作了廿多年,每一階段都夠解決了一些餐廳(服務提供者)和顧客(終極用戶)的需要問題,才是成為霸主的真正原因

星‧聲Career – 數碼達人黃嘉輝:數碼營銷因疫情而「寬變窄」 轉危成機皆因與客相連繫

數碼營銷公司Madcradle Online董事總經理黃嘉輝表示在疫情這段時間實在難以「獨善其身」,與客人並肩同行,溝通試驗,建立更堅固的合作關係,從而令危機轉為契機

CxO Forum 2021

THE RISE FROM THE ASHES, What’s to become of your business in the aftermath of one of the impactful pandemic in recent years. Find your way to your rebirth at The 3rd CxO Forum on 2 December 2021!

【Tech is Cool Social Mixer】Insight of Integrating Tech & Biz Model

We think Tech is Cool, and all tech entrepreneurs and technical people definitely think tech is important as it is shaping things around us.

【Tech is Cool Social Mixer】 IoT Biz is Growing, IoT is Hot!

【Tech is Cool Social Mixer】 We think Tech is Cool, and all tech entrepreneurs and technical people definitely think tech is important…

星‧聲Career – 吳家嘉 (Boutir創辦人):「掌」出生機 網店平台業績不跌反升 數碼行業「疫」市向好


ICE: Challenges the Innovative Startups are Facing in the Time of Difficulties

“Challenges the Innovative Startups are Facing in the Time of Difficulties” Seminar 「創新新創在艱苦時期面對的挑戰」講座 This event is part of Cyberport’s GEW 2019  …


IOTA Social Mixer v5: How 5G will make smart cities a reality