Exhibition Period: 5 Oct 2013 – 27 Oct 2013
Opening Hours: 10am – 6pm
Venue: Gallery, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, 51 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon
Opening Reception: 12 Oct 2013, 3pm
地點:九龍觀塘道51號 香港浸會大學視覺藝術院畫廊
開幕時間:2013年10月12日下午3時 (六)

The Power of Narrative to reveal the authentic lives of the under-privilege by illustrations
What mainstream media reported about the minority group is somehow of the same lame impression: the under-privileged group living in the tiny sub-divided units; the new-arrivals from mainland facing tremendous difficulties; children with learning difficulties are discriminated in the mainstream schools; persons with disabilities facing discrimination in job hunting and those suffering from bereavement shall face the pain alone… People always place themselves in a higher position in treating these groups with different needs.
A group of students from Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University visited different groups in need. People suffering from bereavement, the visually impaired, single parent- new arrivals from mainland, sub-divided units residents, children with special learning needs and deaf people are all interviewed and their stories are re-developed. The bitter-sweet bits of life are now redefined and emerged by means of art. We hope the readers can truly get to an understanding of their true authentic situation and their real thoughts, from these visual images one can see their positive attitude and vitality to life. This is also the VAC’s first attempt to collaborate with local NGOs after successfully retained our Kai Tak Campus as centre for research and development in Visual Arts, in hopes to achieve our goal in connecting the community via art.
The mainstream perception to these groups is overwhelmingly powerful, thus this relatively short interview and recording can only be exposing an ice tip of our community’s ecology. Yet we firmly believe that the showcase of the interviewees’ vitality is inspiring to us all. We sincerely hope that this exhibition can truly display the power of narrative: to redefine the authentic life of the people and remind Hong Kong people for better understanding of how those groups in special need are still striving despite tremendous difficulties through the artistic illustrations.
Participating Artists: CHAN Chun Chun, CHAN Hiu Hung, CHENG Hiu Wun, CHEUNG Kai Yan, CHEUNG Wing Oi Roxanna, CHOW Wing Tung, CHU Ting Ting, HO Wai Man, HO Yan Wa, HUNG Choi Sau, KWONG Man Chun, LAI Wing Shan, LAU Suet Ying, LAW Sze Nga, LEUNG Hay Ning Hayley, LEUNG Po Shan, LI Ka Fai, MAK Lok Man, SIU Clotilda, TAM Sze Wing, TING Sze Lok, ZHANG Shaojing
地點:九龍觀塘道51號 香港浸會大學視覺藝術院畫廊
開幕時間:2013年10月12日下午3時 (六)
“The Power of Narrative” Exhibition / 「疾風勁草:社群口述故事力量」展覽
Exhibition Period: 5 Oct 2013 – 27 Oct 2013
Opening Hours: 10am – 6pm
Venue: Gallery, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, 51 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon
Opening Reception: 12 Oct 2013, 3pm
地點:九龍觀塘道51號 香港浸會大學視覺藝術院畫廊
開幕時間:2013年10月12日下午3時 (六)
The Power of Narrative to reveal the authentic lives of the under-privilege by illustrations
What mainstream media reported about the minority group is somehow of the same lame impression: the under-privileged group living in the tiny sub-divided units; the new-arrivals from mainland facing tremendous difficulties; children with learning difficulties are discriminated in the mainstream schools; persons with disabilities facing discrimination in job hunting and those suffering from bereavement shall face the pain alone… People always place themselves in a higher position in treating these groups with different needs.
A group of students from Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University visited different groups in need. People suffering from bereavement, the visually impaired, single parent- new arrivals from mainland, sub-divided units residents, children with special learning needs and deaf people are all interviewed and their stories are re-developed. The bitter-sweet bits of life are now redefined and emerged by means of art. We hope the readers can truly get to an understanding of their true authentic situation and their real thoughts, from these visual images one can see their positive attitude and vitality to life. This is also the VAC’s first attempt to collaborate with local NGOs after successfully retained our Kai Tak Campus as centre for research and development in Visual Arts, in hopes to achieve our goal in connecting the community via art.
The mainstream perception to these groups is overwhelmingly powerful, thus this relatively short interview and recording can only be exposing an ice tip of our community’s ecology. Yet we firmly believe that the showcase of the interviewees’ vitality is inspiring to us all. We sincerely hope that this exhibition can truly display the power of narrative: to redefine the authentic life of the people and remind Hong Kong people for better understanding of how those groups in special need are still striving despite tremendous difficulties through the artistic illustrations.
Participating Artists: CHAN Chun Chun, CHAN Hiu Hung, CHENG Hiu Wun, CHEUNG Kai Yan, CHEUNG Wing Oi Roxanna, CHOW Wing Tung, CHU Ting Ting, HO Wai Man, HO Yan Wa, HUNG Choi Sau, KWONG Man Chun, LAI Wing Shan, LAU Suet Ying, LAW Sze Nga, LEUNG Hay Ning Hayley, LEUNG Po Shan, LI Ka Fai, MAK Lok Man, SIU Clotilda, TAM Sze Wing, TING Sze Lok, ZHANG Shaojing
地點:九龍觀塘道51號 香港浸會大學視覺藝術院畫廊
開幕時間:2013年10月12日下午3時 (六)
透過主流媒體報導過後的「弱勢社群」,總是予人無力感: 貧窮人士住在狹小的劏房、新來港婦女面對種種適應的困難 、特殊學習需要的孩童在主流學校被歧視、殘疾人士面對就 業工作的困境、以及是失去親人的家庭獨自面對巨大的傷痛 ……社會各界時會自命甚高,以憐憫的眼光看待這些各有所 需的群體。
一群香港浸會大學視 覺藝術院學生,在探訪喪親人士、視障人士、新來港單親婦 女、劏房住客、特殊學習需要兒童及聽障人士過後,以重新 創作受訪者的故事,將他們真實生活以藝術重新描畫及展現 。觀眾亦能了解他們因主流報導後所定立固有形象外,他們 所面對真正的問題、不為人知的想法及展現有如勁草一般的 生命力。是次展覽亦是「視藝社區起動」於成功保留啓德校 園成為研究及發展視覺藝術中心後首次與社區合作,希望加 強本院與各羣組的聯繫,以達成步入社區、以藝術連繫民眾 的目標。
主流力量極為龐大,而這短短的探訪與紀錄,充其量只能成 為表現整個社群面貌的一鱗半爪,但我們相信,勁草強韌的 生命力,總能啟發人們對生命的思考。我們期望本次展覽, 能展現社群口述故事的力量,以藝術創作重現社群生活,讓 更多香港人理解身邊被遺忘的社群,如何面對重重困難仍綻 放活著的韌力。
參展藝術家:陳津津,陳曉虹,鄭曉媛,張佳欣,張詠靄, 周穎彤,諸婷婷,何慧敏,何欣樺,熊彩秀,鄺萬春,黎穎 珊,劉雪瑩,羅詩雅,梁羲寧,梁寶珊,李嘉輝,麥樂雯, 邵諾恩,譚思詠,丁詩樂,張少靜