“Power of Narrative” is a community-based art creation programme. The exhibits are picture books designed by young artists from the Academy of Visual Arts of Hong Kong Baptist University. They visited six marginalized groups, namely persons suffered from bereavements, the visually and hearing impaired, the poor cramped in cubicles, the female immigrants from the Mainland and children with special education needs. Based on what they heard, the artists transformed the stories into picture books.
We hope that the exhibition can show the power of narrative by representing communal life in an indigenous way, and hence inspiring people and changing their minds. We may at least recall Hong Kong people to understand the difficulties faced by the marginalized groups, and to realize how they thrive despite the adversities.
The detail of exhibition is as follows:
Exhibition Period: 5 Oct 2013 – 27 Oct 2013
Opening Hours: 10am – 6pm
Venue: Gallery, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, 51 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon
Opening Reception: 12 Oct 2013, 3pm
我們期望本次展覽,能展現社群口述故事的力量,以藝術創作重 現社群生活,讓更多香港人理解身邊被遺忘的社群,如何面對重重困難仍綻放活著的韌力。
地點:九龍觀塘道51號 香港浸會大學視覺藝術院畫廊
Power of Narrative – Representing the Stories of HK Communities / 「疾風勁草」 – 社區故事及藝術計劃
“Power of Narrative” is a community-based art creation programme. The exhibits are picture books designed by young artists from the Academy of Visual Arts of Hong Kong Baptist University. They visited six marginalized groups, namely persons suffered from bereavements, the visually and hearing impaired, the poor cramped in cubicles, the female immigrants from the Mainland and children with special education needs. Based on what they heard, the artists transformed the stories into picture books.
We hope that the exhibition can show the power of narrative by representing communal life in an indigenous way, and hence inspiring people and changing their minds. We may at least recall Hong Kong people to understand the difficulties faced by the marginalized groups, and to realize how they thrive despite the adversities.
The detail of exhibition is as follows:
Exhibition Period: 5 Oct 2013 – 27 Oct 2013
Opening Hours: 10am – 6pm
Venue: Gallery, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, 51 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon
Opening Reception: 12 Oct 2013, 3pm
我們期望本次展覽,能展現社群口述故事的力量,以藝術創作重 現社群生活,讓更多香港人理解身邊被遺忘的社群,如何面對重重困難仍綻放活著的韌力。
地點:九龍觀塘道51號 香港浸會大學視覺藝術院畫廊