“Career & Life Growth! How to?” Series 「工作及生命成長!逐點學」系列
Tips on Stress Management 壓力處理淺探
- What stress/job stressor are we facing everyday? 我們每天面對著怎麼樣的壓力?
- Are they good or bad? What effects of these stressors would influence us? 是好是壞?它們會有甚麼的影響?
- How to deal with it? There are ways in coping with stress~~ 坐以待斃?迎頭痛擊?又或是…
Dr. Caleb Kau
Dr. Kau is a Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology and a Chartered Psychologist (UK), specializing in human resources training and psychological counseling. He has experiences in delivering various human resources management and psychology topics to different kinds of audiences, including Bank of China (HK) (comprise the 12 banks before merger), Bank of China Group Insurance Co. Ltd., BOCG Life, AXA, Pacific Century Insurance Co. Ltd., the Treasury (HKSARG), Bang & Olufsen, HKGoodJobs, CoolJobz, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, HKUST, and various NGOs, primary schools and secondary schools in Hong Kong.
Date 日期: 1 April 2014 (Tues)
Time 時間: 7:00-8:00 pm
Venue 地點: Incu-Labspace, Unit 2102, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong
香港天后電氣道148號2102室 Incu-Labspace
Fee 費用: Free of charge 全免
Language 語言: Chinese Cantonese 中文
RSVP 報名: http://goo.gl/lARnME
Organizer 主辦 Co-organizer 合辦 Venue support 場地贊助

*Organizer reserves rights to revise the contents
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“Career & Life Growth! How to?” Series: Tips on Stress Management
“Career & Life Growth! How to?” Series 「工作及生命成長!逐點學」系列
Tips on Stress Management 壓力處理淺探
Dr. Caleb Kau
Dr. Kau is a Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology and a Chartered Psychologist (UK), specializing in human resources training and psychological counseling. He has experiences in delivering various human resources management and psychology topics to different kinds of audiences, including Bank of China (HK) (comprise the 12 banks before merger), Bank of China Group Insurance Co. Ltd., BOCG Life, AXA, Pacific Century Insurance Co. Ltd., the Treasury (HKSARG), Bang & Olufsen, HKGoodJobs, CoolJobz, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, HKUST, and various NGOs, primary schools and secondary schools in Hong Kong.
Date 日期: 1 April 2014 (Tues)
Time 時間: 7:00-8:00 pm
Venue 地點: Incu-Labspace, Unit 2102, 148 Electric Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong
香港天后電氣道148號2102室 Incu-Labspace
Fee 費用: Free of charge 全免
Language 語言: Chinese Cantonese 中文
RSVP 報名: http://goo.gl/lARnME
Organizer 主辦 Co-organizer 合辦 Venue support 場地贊助
*Organizer reserves rights to revise the contents
More “Career & Life Growth! How to?” Series
Please click here