E2 Day 2016 Pitching – CALL FOR ENTRY!!

Apr 23, 2016
Jeffrey Chung

Pitching Poster_v.3 copy


-「金獎」及「最具影響力大獎」Lulio的Jamie ,剛成為福布斯亞洲「30 under 30」社會企業家!(http://www.forbes.com/forbes/welcome/#43b0bc97d46c)

-「銅獎」Happy Retired,接受Unwire.hk訪問,成為科技新聞媒體新寵!(http://unwire.hk/2016/02/22/hkt-office365-social-enterprise/people-interview/ppl_interview/)


-「最佳創意大獎」Collaction,發揮「Tech x Social」的威力,製作了「404 not found」尋人平台,獲得不少主流媒體爭相關注和報導!(http://paper.hket.com/article/1240002/90後寫程式%20藉網民尋失蹤者

E2,就是startups的最佳pitching舞台!用科技改變世界,齊來參加4月23日的 E2 Day Pitching 吧!向100多名投資者和行內專家,宣傳你的初創企業和好橋!

4月1日載止報名囉~~還不快點到 www.E2x.org/call-for-entry,下載參賽表格?




Take a look at how brilliant our E2 award-winners have achieved last year and you will know why you should pitch at E2 Day:

-‘Gold’ and ‘Biggest Impact’ award-winner Jamie of Lulio just got picked as ’30 under 30′ Social Entrepreneurs by Forbes Asia! (http://www.forbes.com/forbes/welcome/#43b0bc97d46c)

-‘Bronze’ award-winner Happy Retired got interviewed by the prestigious tech media Unwire.hk! (http://unwire.hk/2016/02/22/hkt-office365-social-enterprise/people-interview/ppl_interview/)

-‘Best Interface Design’ award-winner Swapit recently secured an additional funding from private equity investors and will try to enter new markets within Asia-Pacific! (https://www.techinasia.com/swapit-p2p-marketplace-new-funding)

-‘Most Creative’ award-winner Collaction unleashed the power of ‘Tech x Social’ and invented an online platform known as ‘404 not found’ for searching missed persons, attracting attention and reporting from numerous mainstream media! (http://paper.hket.com/article/1240002/90後寫程式%20藉網民尋失蹤者)

Therefore, E2 is the best pitching platform for startups to make some noise and be recognized! Make a change through tech, JOIN E2 DAY PITCHING on April 23 NOW and pitch your startup ideas & products in front of 100+ audience including investors and insiders from tech and social sectors!

Download the entry form now at www.E2x.org/call-for-entry and enter the pitching before April 1!